Costa seeks political consensus on the Recovery and Resilience Plan


António Costa presented to the parties the general lines of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, which aims to manage an estimated total of 12.9 billion euros in grants, of which only 9.1 billion are already available and confirmed. The remaining 2,700 million estimated will be allocated in 2022 due to the economic growth of the different economies in 2020 and 2021, reveals the document made available to the parties at the meetings.

In addition to this figure, it is estimated that a maximum of 15.7 billion euros is available in loans (with an impact on the debt) for “very ambitious reforms”.

The plan states that 37% of the total estimated costs of the Plan must contribute to the climate transition or the resulting challenges.

The estimate is that the defined goals will be fully implemented by 2026, favoring initiatives with a double effect, both cyclical and structural.

Within the Resilience chapter, the largest investment block (7,200 million), the Government defines 3,200 million euros to correct social vulnerabilities, 2,500 million euros for productive potential and 1,500 million euros for competitiveness and territorial cohesion. .

Regarding the climate transition, sustainable mobility raises 975 million euros. Decarbonisation and a circular economy of 925 million euros and energy efficiency and renewables will have 800 million euros.

The digital transition will have € 700 million for the digital school, € 500 million for “4.0 companies” and € 1.8 billion for the modernization of public administration.

According to the document presented to the parties, the initiatives must promote Resilience, contribute to the double transition (digital and climate) and respond to the Country Specific Recommendations formulated within the framework of the European semester in 2019 and 2020.

The prime minister receives the parties throughout the day. In the morning, António Costa receives in successive hearings the Liberal Initiative, the PEV, the PCP and the PAN. In the afternoon, starting at 3:00 p.m., the prime minister meets first with Chega, followed by the CDS, Bloco de Esquerda and PSD.

During this week, in addition to listening to the parties with parliamentary representation, António Costa also meets on Tuesday with the Economic and Social Council and the Territorial Advisory Council, followed by a thematic debate on the Recovery and Resilience Plan on Wednesday in the Assembly of the Republic.
