“These are the first signs of the beginning of the end of António Costa’s cycle” – Observer


Luís Marques Mendes received another political comment from SIC talking about the two renovations this week, the first related to the commission of honor of Luís Filipe Vieira and the second taking into account the change of five secretaries of State in the Government. In both cases, he pointed to the “mistakes” of the prime minister, whose end of the political cycle, he says, is in sight: “These are the first signs of the beginning of the end of António Costa’s cycle”.

When referring to the reformulation of the Government, which “was more or less announced”, Marques Mendes spoke insistently of “bad signs.”

They are five secretaries of state who are replaced by another five people who are former advisers or former chiefs of cabinet, therefore, money of the house, of the apparatus. This is a sign of an exhausted closed government, increasingly inward, increasingly divorced from society. It’s a bad sign, ”he said.

Who are the new secretaries of state? The route of the six near the PS, from Guterres to “Pedro Nunismo”

Another “bad beginning”, continued Marques Mendes, refers to the departure of the Undersecretary of State and Communications, Alberto Souto Miranda, who is now moving to the new Banco de Fomento. “At the same time he leaves, it is reported that he will be the administrator of the future Banco de Fomento. This is an example of patronage.

So the person leaves the Government and has already announced that he is going to be a bank administrator? I am not saying that it is an exclusive sponsorship of this Government, not that ”. For the former PSD leader, the situation described gives “the idea that this is not an independent bank”, but “a new general direction.”

Luís Filipe Vieira dismisses António Costa from the honor committee

Regarding the fact that Luís Filipe Vieira dismissed António Costa, Fernando Medina and all the political leaders of the honorary re-election committee to the presidency of Benfica, after all the controversy, Marques Mendes said that, at this time, the Prime Minister will be “Relieved” and also “sorry.”

“I don’t think he will get into another one of this type any time soon, if he will ever repeat this recipe. I think that in his heart António Costa realizes that it went wrong and that this leaves a stain. (…) He has never been more criticized than this week, from the right, from the left and within his own party.

Making sure the “The place of politicians is to watch their club matches or play with friends”Marques Mendes said he was “very, very surprised” with the “mistakes” made by António Costa since he returned from vacation, beginning by alluding to the “war” bought with the doctors.

“From my point of view, there are signs here, the first signs that we are at the beginning of the end of a political cycle.” The commentator stated that the Prime Minister shows signs of “tiredness”, “exhaustion” and even “lack of patience”, “which then often lead to arrogance, intolerance and a sense of impunity.”

If António Costa doesn’t change, the attrition will only get worse. (…) If it doesn’t change, I think it runs the risk of not fulfilling its mandate anymore, ”he continued.

Considering that the Prime Minister is “stressed” and “annoyed”, Marques Mendes also mentioned Ana Gomes’ candidacy for the presidency of the Republic, which “irritates” Costa, since “all those who are his internal opponents are there “. .

Rui Rangel and Luís Filipe Vieira accused of the crime of receiving undue advantage

Regarding Operation Lex, which saw three Supreme Court judges accused at the same time of corruption, Marques Mendes highlighted the “terrible image” of the Portuguese justice, but also “the courage” and the “independence” of the investigation .

In final words, Marques Mendes commented on the situation of the pandemic in Portugal, citing several experts: “Experts say that either we are already in the second wave or we are very close to it.”
