Citizenship. Catholic group questions the Church’s approach to the extreme right


An open letter addressed to the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon and the Bishop of Aveiro criticizes the association of the two prelates to the manifesto In defense of educational freedoms – against mandatory citizen discipline -, that “represents a new manifestation of a disappointing and undesirable conservatism.”

“To avoid new associations of this type, we challenge our bishops and the entire Church to better reflect on the paths we follow, asking ourselves where Jesus Christ is in the choices we make,” explains the letter addressed to Manuel Clemente and António. Windmill.

The bishops’ subscription to the document “represents a new manifestation of a disappointing and undesirable conservatism and a new sign in the very worrying movement of rapprochement” and, at times, of alignment “between the” Church and the political forces well identified with the right and even the rightmost one. “

This “group of Catholic citizens”, as they identify themselves, therefore questions whether Christ is “a force of faith for good, a motivator for transformation and solidarity, or is a distorted instrument or pretext for political legitimation.”

Among the 22 subscribers to this letter are Maria João Sande Lemos, from the movement We are Church the university professor Manuel Brandão Alves and the journalist Jorge Wemans.

“We want to say, frankly as Christians, that it is due to our bishops, that your support by subscribing and adding the In defense of freedom of education Faced with the compulsory nature of the Education for Citizenship and Development classes in basic education, we were disappointed and upset, ”the open letter says.
