Isabel dos Santos and Sindika Dokolo involved in international investigation of large banks – Observer


Isabel dos Santos and Sindika Dokolo are among the confidential bank clients that have been reported to the US authorities, according to an investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), of which Expresso is a part, called “FinCEN Files”. This investigation originated from a data breach involving more than 2,000 bank reports, obtained by BuzzFeed News, showing how some of the largest banks in the world were used by criminal organizations, including JP Morgan, HSBC and Deutsche Bank. .

Several banks submitted reports of suspicious activity between 1999 and 2017 to FinCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network), a federal agency that is part of the US Department of the Treasury. They reveal details about wire transfers of more than $ 2 billion. Considering the amount in question, 1.3 billion refer to movements associated with the US branch of Deutsche Bank and around 514 billion to JP Morgan.

The daughter of the former Angolan president is the subject of two suspicious activity reports, both dated 2013. The first was sent to FinCEN by an employee of the department of accordance JP Morgan Chase Bank, in the US, and the document shows how JP Morgan acted as a correspondent bank in transfers associated with the family of Isabel dos Santos and the Angolan State, despite the fact that she is not its client.

Expresso highlights a private transfer of US $ 4 million made by her husband Sindika Dokolo – after Luanda Leaks it was determined that the money is related to the public financing of the public diamond company, Sodiam, for the purchase of De Grisogono jewelry , which went bankrupt earlier this year.

Luanda leaks. De Grisogono, the jewelry company of Isabel dos Santos’ husband, announced that it had filed for bankruptcy

The second report, also from 2013, was sent by Standard Chartered in New York to FinCEN. It does not mention Isabel dos Santos, but rather a transfer of US $ 18.7 million, from October 2006, between Unitel, an Angolan telecommunications company of which Isabel dos Santos is a shareholder and former president, and a BPI account in Lisbon , on behalf of a company called Vidatel Limited.

Isabel dos Santos leaves the administration of the Angolan operator Unitel

Of the more than 2,000 reports that are part of this information leak, Expresso identified two documents that refer to transfers whose origin or destination refers to bank accounts in Portugal, one of them includes US $ 56 million associated with two transfers from one Madeira offshore BES account (suspicions are related to a Venezuelan banking group). The newspaper also highlights $ 44 million in transactions carried out between 2014 and 2017 that involved national institutions that functioned only as correspondents for foreign banks.
