Chega Convention: Nurses went to “give a friend a kiss” to Ventura – News


“André was my colleague in the PSD National Council, where I am no longer and he is no longer. I think it is very important that people have political activity in the same way that I defend it for the nurses, ”Ana Rita Cavaco told the Lusa agency.

The official stressed that her “activism stays where it is, in the PSD.”

“Today I really came to kiss Ana Rita, a friend. morning [domingo] I will be here officially, as I was in the PS, the PCP, the PP, representing the nurses. But André, above all, is my friend and always will be ”, he clarified.

Chega concludes today two days of work of the II National Convention, in Évora, with the election of new governing bodies and the strengthening of the internal power of its president, André Ventura.

Video testimonies from the French Marine Le Pen (National Union) and Italian Matteo Salvini (Northern League) are expected for lunch.

Live, the approximately 600 participants in the event of the national populist party will be able to listen to speeches by members of the European extreme right (Identity and Democracy) such as the Belgian and ID president, Gerolf Annemans (Flemish of Interest) or the French Thierry Marinai , former Sarkozy minister and current member of the National Union.

After lunch, the congress closing speech is scheduled, led by the leader, sole deputy and presidential candidate, André Ventura.

Already confirmed at the close are the representatives of the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic, PSD, CDS-PP and the Liberal Initiative, although Chega has invited all parties with parliamentary seats, including PS, BE, PCP, PAN and “ The Greens ”.

Members of various trade unions and professional orders will also be present.
