“An airplane to clean the years of my dreams”. The plane at that time is new art in dst


“An airplane to erase the years of my dreams”. This is how José Teixeira, president of the board of directors of dstgroup, classified the inauguration, this Saturday, of an artistic work built by Miguel Palma, unveiled this morning on the campus of that company in Braga, in Palmeira.

The work, full of “scale, megalomania and detail”, consists of four structures [torres de energia], with about 30 meters high, that through a harness hold an airplane. For the person in charge, art is a way of escaping from mental insanity, being able to “close pharmacies” since it is a cure for the insanity of everyday life.

José Teixeira did not leave behind the recognition he obtained in recent years by supporting culture and poetry throughout the country. At the opening of the work, the businessman highlighted the “artists, actors, musicians” and all “those who produce beauty”, because without “beauty we cannot be competitive and without culture we cannot survive.”

José Teixeira, president of dstgroup. Photo: DR

The administrator of the group, which is strongly established in the foreign market, with a special focus on large works in Holland, France or the United Kingdom, assumes that artists are protagonists in the act of not forgetting the past, so that “men and women “When you” look back, “you won’t see” a huge black hole. “

“This permanent attention to the themes of the arts works as a kind of exit to the mental sanity that we need to have today,” he defended.

“This work was a challenge to activate synapses, responsible for feel good. In this sense, a few years ago I commissioned this work from Miguel, who is called Zenith, and that in the text is called I fly over you “he added.

Zénite, by Miguel Palma. Photo: DR

The title given by the artist was imposed, but José Teixeira, with the suggested title, intends to send a message of “seeking beauty, cleanliness, which subtracts excess and purifies performance group ”.

“Beauty is like a hammer that casts biases on the anvil, cuts out evil and conquers lies,” he said poetically.

“When I ordered, I asked for power poles that nobody wants in their backyard. I added wind turbines and asked to hang a plane to erase my dream years. This closes pharmacies. Beauty and poetry ”, he highlighted.

“I appreciate the trust given by the engineer José Teixeira”

Miguel Palma, visual artist who conceived the work, revealed that “12 years ago” José Teixeira requested a “possibility of flight, an apparent flight, a flight that remains in an image”.

“The plane itself is designed to fly, and all the small areas of this plane are reason to stay in the air, in this case, through a technology that would never dominate, in a flying position,” he explained, adding. that this simulation is “a stop in time”.

“Throughout my life I have had a daily job in my studio, like most artists, but I never had a presence in public event projects, I was never invited to roundabouts, to work near places where people pass and I always felt, on the one hand, a certain disgust, but on the other, a certain satisfaction, because I felt freer ”, confessed the artist.

“In this case, it was total freedom, because I had a company that facilitated, built and created the functions that I would hardly find. This connection, between art, the artist and the engineering of a company like dst, is not so strange in my work, because I am a kind of engineer for other artists ”, he argued.

“In fact, I am a kind of failed engineer, and for that reason I feel at that level comforted and grateful,” Miguel Palma concluded.

“The zet gallery is THE project”

Helena Mendes Pereira, director of the zet gallery, highlighted the “scale, megalomania and detail” of Miguel Palma’s project. “In this challenge, mills, machines, objects full of meaning and significance are born.”

The official praised the dstgroup and José Teixeira for supporting culture: “I often feel that the zet gallery is THE project. It makes us come to the gallery in a good mood to work ”, he highlighted.

He also revealed that the secret to being able to quickly “assemble and disassemble” a great exhibition is to belong to “the great family” that is dst. “We lack nothing and creating culture in these conditions is a privilege and should be an example,” she said.

Regarding the work Zénite, which is now on permanent display at the dst campus, in a public space for the enjoyment of all, Helena Mendes Pereira highlights the “call to rebellion”.

“Miguel Palma’s work appeals to our rebellion, because it worries us and because it is not a work from nowhere, it is a work of the world, which has a set of global signs but with references to particular places,” he stressed.

“[Miguel Palma] without a doubt he is a son of Europe ”, he concluded.


This work was the starting point of the exhibition “PROTOTYPES: MECHANISMS OF TEST”, which presents eight old works by the artist, made between 2007 and 2019, some almost unpublished, and a set of drawings and sculptures intentionally produced for the space . from the zet gallery.

Of the almost unheard of, the case of “Origens” stands out, which for the first time turned the auditorium of the zet gallery into a black box for exhibitions. “Bipolar”, “West”, “Vacations”, “Air Print”, “Bypass”, “Tempest in a Teapot” and “Oilofon” come together, all on the “scale of supreme ambition, logistically speaking”.
