COVID-19. 5 reasons why Madrid is on the brink of collapse – Observer


The problem is that health establishments were not reinforced with professionals who could respond to this increased workload. On the side of the projection teams, and according to the newspaper, the problem will be more a lack of organization than a shortage of human resources. Since August 23, a daily bulletin has not been published with the new cases and outbreaks detected by these Madrid screening teams.

Among the 35,000 cases diagnosed in the last two weeks in the Madrid region, selection teams have only identified 800, according to the Financial Times. But the problem is not unique to this region: Nationwide, detection teams identified an average of three contacts for each positive case of Covid-19. and in 38% of the cases it was not possible to identify the origin of the infection. It is not even known how many people are on the detection teams, the British newspaper said. The regions managed to control the number of cases with confinement, but were not prepared for what would come next.

Without detection equipment to fulfill its intended function (identify close contacts of people who test positive for the new coronavirus), Doctors at the health center encourage those infected to notify close contacts directly.. And that increases the number of people who want to know if they are infected or not. “There is a lot of confusion, people come without knowing what a closed case is,” says Dr. Milagros González Béjar.

But the figures from the Community of Madrid do not leave much room for doubt about the seriousness of the situation, warns the newspaper El Confidencial: one in four tests in Madrid is positive. In addition, 67% of positive cases are asymptomatic, which makes Madrid, together with Extremadura and Galicia, one of the regions that most detects cases of this type.

Given the uncontrolled situation in Madrid, and with some areas more critical than others, the deputy councilor for Health of the autonomous community, Antonio Zapatero, announced this Wednesday morning that the “Selective confinement in the areas of greatest incidence”, specifically south of the capital, where many workers live and where there has been an increase in the transmission of the virus.

Covid-19: the Community of Madrid will take more drastic measures with selective containment

The problem is that Zapatero announced the measure before it was approved by the regional government and barely exchanges WhatsApp messages with President Isabel Díaz Ayuso. “I communicated through WhatsApp [com a presidente] the measures I was going to announce this morning [quarta-feira], when we were at the ministry meeting [consejería]”Zapatero said, quoted by the newspaper El País.” The president always supports any measure to protect the health of the citizens of Madrid, as has been repeated on several occasions, so I understand that she will support this measure that we propose decisively, as you always did. “

The problem is that there was no one to defend the measure, which took members of the regional government by surprise, not even Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who remained silent all day and whose executive ended up canceling the press conference scheduled for the day. Late that day, El País reported. As of Thursday, the regional Minister of Justice, Enrique López, said that the word confinement “generates anguish” and that what the regional government intends to do is, alone, “reduce mobility and contacts” to prevent transmission and avoid having to confine the population again, reported AFP.

This Friday, the Ayuso executive announced the measures to be implemented: gatherings limited to six people, closed parks and gardens and restrictions on mobility (entrances and exits) in 37 areas of Madrid where the incidence of the virus exceeds 1,000 cases per year. 100,000 inhabitants, which means that more than 877,000 people will be affected by the measure, reported the newspaper El País. The objective is “to avoid by all means the state of alarm”, said the president of the autonomous community.

Spanish Health Minister Salvador Illa, meanwhile, said the regional government should do everything possible to control the pandemic. And faced with this, Ignacio Aguado, vice president of the Community of Madrid, asked the central government to “become strongly involved in controlling the pandemic.” None spoke, however, of declaring a state of alarm in the region. Pedro Sánchez had already made it clear in August that each autonomous community could go to the central government if it deemed it necessary, but not Madrid.

If the Madrid government has not responded to the pandemic and is accused of not being able to give a firm response to the situation, the national government has done no better: partly because of the strong polarization between the parties, but also because The administration of Pedro Sánchez has understood that the pandemic must be managed at the level of the autonomous communities – which together has 10 times more money than the central government in the area of ​​health, says the Financial Times.

The autonomous communities, in turn, demand more leadership from the prime minister. The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who will finally be able to meet with Pedro Sánchez, accepted the offer of cooperation, but regretted that the region “has been alone for so long,” reports the newspaper El Periódico.
