COVID-19. Costa calls an emergency meeting of the crisis cabinet for this Friday


Prime Minister António Costa urgently convened for this Friday, in São Bento, a meeting of the crisis office to monitor the evolution of covid-19 in Portugal, a government source told the Lusa agency on Friday.

The same source pointed out that the meeting, which starts at 11:30 am, follows the “continuous increase” of new daily cases of contagion by the new coronavirus and the need to “educate the public about the adoption of preventive and preventive measures “. security against covid-19 “.

The crisis cabinet, which met for the last time on June 29 in São Bento, includes the ministers of State, Economy and Digital Transition, Pedro Siza Vieira, State and Foreign Relations, Augusto Santos Silva, State and the Presidency, Navy Vieira da Silva, State and Finance, João Leão, National Defense, João Gomes Cravinho, Internal Administration, Eduardo Cabrita, Labor, Solidarity and Social Security, Ana Mendes Godinho, Education, Tiago Brandão Rodrigues, da Saúde, Marta Temido and Infrastructure and Housing , Pedro Nuno Santos.

Also part of this crisis cabinet are the Secretaries of State for Parliamentary Affairs, Deputy Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Defense, Youth and Sports and Mobility.

To date, Portugal has 10 more deaths related to covid-19 and 770 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Portugal has registered 1,888 deaths and 66,396 cases of infection.

DGS indicates that five deaths were recorded in the North region, two in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, two in the Center region and one in the Algarve region.

37,804 contacts are under surveillance, 517 more than on Wednesday.
