DGS. ″ We do not believe that 55 thousand people in the sanctuary ″ of Fatima


The Director General of Health said, this Wednesday, at a press conference, that the authorities have not yet ruled on the maximum number of people who can be present at the Sanctuary of Fatima for the pilgrimage on October 13. And, contrary to what has been said, Graça Freitas does not consider that there may be 55 thousand people inside the enclosure, with the number of cases of covid-19 increasing in the country.

“The General Directorate of Health (DGS) does not know where the number 55 thousand came from. We have not received any opinion, no plan for the sanctuary”, confirmed Graça Freitas, adding that the meeting requested by the sanctuary to the Secretary of State for Health, António Lacerda Sales, has not yet been held. In other words, so far no “health authority” has been consulted.

Graça Freitas was available to collaborate with the Church with a view to preventing possible floods, as in the pilgrimage last Sunday (September 13), when the sanctuary had to close its doors because there were too many people in the enclosure. Despite the fact that the spokeswoman for the institution made sure that the pilgrims respected health regulations, the sanctuary did not have as many people.

The director general of Health assures that a figure like the one published by various media in recent days, around 50 thousand citizens, does not seem adequate at first glance and does not know “where this figure came from.” .

“We do not believe that 55 thousand people are possible in the sanctuary”, at a time when the pandemic is accelerating in the country.
