Radio Condestable – PROENÇA-A-NOVA – Fire without active fronts and with consolidation works (In update)


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Updated at 20:30 – At the time of resolution and aftermath, 90% of the fire area is currently in process, with the remaining 10% still to be consolidated.
This information was released at the end of the afternoon by Pedro Nunes, commander of ground operations, from Sobreira Formosa where the command post is located.

“The entire perimeter is stabilized, however the remaining 10% of the territory, whether in the north or part of the right flank, is not yet perfectly consolidated.”
The media on the ground “will remain vigilant and ready to respond to any event that may occur,” said Pedro Nunes, adding that “the consolidation and sequelae work will continue and there will be a post-hoc surveillance phase when the fire is is in a phase of domination, but at the moment there is no reduction of means at least until tomorrow at the end of the day ”.
In the next few hours the weather will be of great help since “the wind will be weak and can blow moderately in the areas of the slopes, the relative humidity will reach 70/80% which will make the combat extremely favorable”. “Tomorrow will be very similar to today in terms of temperature and humidity,” said the same official.

Updated at 13:15 – 90% of the fire is controlled, said Pedro Nunes, Operations Commander of Grupo Centro Norte in the civil protection brief to highlight the situation of this fire. From the affected area, “10% are in direct and indirect combat actions and the remaining 90% suffer after-effects with the help of tracking machines and other areas under surveillance.” On the ground there are 16 tracked machines and seven aerial means between amphibious aircraft (4), light (2) and heavy helicopters (1).

At the moment, the main concern of the operational personnel is between Sarnadas de S. Simão and Póvoa de Cambas. The afternoon will bring an intensification of the wind and from 4:00 p.m., a rotation is expected, so there is a possibility of reactivations and therefore attention will be redoubled, in a job that “will be hard but our action plan is well defined ”, He guaranteed. It is expected that until the early hours of the morning the fire is considered extinguished.
On the ground, the greatest difficulties encountered are related to its orography and forest density, with “the fuel load is very intense,” he illustrated.
The entire perimeter of the fire, which is 60 km long, worries the operational personnel, since “everything is still very hot,” explained the commander.
This fire so far has caused 10 injuries, including firefighters.
The 40 people who had to be taken from their homes have already returned to them, the commander said.
At 8:00 pm a new state of this fire will be made.

Original news – With a large area destroyed in the municipalities of Proença-a-Nova, Oleiros and Castelo Branco, the fire that broke out on Sunday, September 13 in Cunqueiros, in the municipality of Proença-a-Nova began to subside in the last hours and the 90% of its perimeter is dominated.

There are more than 1000 operations on the ground and, at this time (9:15 am), four air means, one of which “is a coordination helicopter that identifies the priority areas to intervene,” said Belo Costa, Operational Commander of the Agrupación Distrital del Distrito Sur (CADIS) in the first daily informative meeting that took place from Sobreira Formosa, Proença-a-Nova.
In the coming days the work will be consolidation and this “will take many days and will require the participation of everyone, including people from the countryside who are often fundamental and make the difference between consolidating well or leaving loose ends”, and these “. they will disperse the media if the people of the land do not make their indispensable contribution, “he added, guaranteeing that” the work is going very favorably.
It’s not considered overpowered yet because there are still “hot spots that need dedicated work and attention.” However, “we can consider that there is no front with active flames. At this moment rigorous reconnaissance is being carried out around the entire perimeter, which is about 60 km long, ”he said. For this reason, the day will be one of “intense work”, said Belo Costa.
The sectors that were in the most favorable conditions are found further north and all in the municipality of Oleiros, specifically in the area of ​​Vilar Barroco, Póvoa da Ribeira, Pisoria and Póvoa de Cambas. Here the consolidation work is being done more intensively. Also on front 2, in Sarnadas de S. Simão, there are still hot spots that are still worrying “where we are also working with heavy machinery to close this part,” he said.
The day will also be to validate the situation within the burned area. “These large fires are home to many islands within the area and will be analyzed to eliminate any problems for the towns,” he explained.
The commander hopes that “at the end of the day, early in the evening, the fire will be considered extinguished, among other things because the situation is under control and no more violent surprises are expected”, he also said, and guaranteed that “this is the biggest fire that has ever occurred ”. we have already registered. “
