Felipe II made a ″ historical mistake ″ by not making Lisbon the capital of Spain, says Pérez-Reverte


The Spanish writer Arturo Pérez-Reverte published on Tuesday the Portuguese translation of “A History of Spain”, where he assures that it was a “historical error” that Felipe II did not take the capital of Spain to Lisbon, and unite the two countries.

Speaking to the Lusa agency in Madrid, the author confesses that this “is not a historian’s book”, and that he intends “to approach history with ordinary people with humor and in an informal way.”

Arturo Pérez-Reverte claims to be “very satisfied” with the translation of his work into Portuguese, and stresses that Iberia must be a unique space, instead of having two countries behind each other “.

“The Spain of the 16th century should have installed the capital in Lisbon, so that the two empires were one,” insisted the 67-year-old former journalist, a war reporter, who since the late 1980s has dedicated himself exclusively to writing novels .

In his book, Pérez-Reverte writes that “Filipe II committed […] one of the biggest mistakes “and, instead of” taking the capital to Lisbon – ancient and stately – and dedicating oneself to singing fados to look at the Atlantic and the possessions of America, […] barricaded himself in the center of the peninsula [Ibérica], in his native monastery of El Escorial, spending the money that came from the Portuguese-Spanish overseas possessions “.

“Even now, it is very sad that we do not act in a federated way”, as if we were an “egalitarian and solidary federation”, capable of facing “better” the countries of northern Europe, laments the author.
