“We are going to get worse before we start to get better.” António Costa Silva presents a strategic plan for economic recovery – Economy


Costa Silva spoke at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, in Lisbon, during the public consultation session of the “Strategic Vision of the Recovery Plan 2020/2030”, a document prepared at the request of the Government, with the priorities for exiting the crisis.

“All our problems and limitations come to the fore in this crisis: undercapitalized companies, very high public debt that in itself inhibits growth, the limitations of our productive structure, the fall in investment, low productivity and therefore it is It is very important to face the crisis in all these perspectives and take into account that the recovery will be slow ”, defended the university professor.

“We are going to start to decline before there is growth, we are going to get worse before it starts to improve,” Costa Silva stressed, arguing that the country needs to use “all its assets” to preserve its productive capacity.

“We are not going to get any illusions, we are going to have companies that will not hold out during the course of this pandemic,” the manager reinforced.

According to him, the pandemic crisis “is at the tip of the iceberg”, but at the bottom there is the “very serious” environmental and climate crisis.
The initial document, called “Strategic Vision for the Recovery Plan 2020/2030”, was presented on July 21 and was in public consultation in August, receiving 1,153 contribution proposals, considering Costa Silva that it was “an extraordinary contribution “.

The 1,153 contributions, from citizens and institutions, led to the incorporation of the initial plan on some issues, such as energy efficiency or tourism.

Based on the contributions received by the Strategic Vision, additions were made to the initial document in the “Cluster of petrochemicals, industrial chemistry and refining”, “Energy efficiency”, “Deep water mining”, “Commerce and services”, “Tourism “and” Biomass plants “.

“data-title =” “Let’s get worse before we start getting better.” António Costa Silva presents strategic plan for economic recovery – SAPO 24 “>

According to the socialist executive, with the conclusion of the “Strategic Vision”, the Government approved this Thursday, in the Council of Ministers, the first version of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, a government instrument that will already have a translation in the budget proposal of the 2021, which will be delivered on October 12 in the Assembly of the Republic.

Still regarding the political calendar, the Prime Minister will meet with the parties and the social partners in the next days 21 and 22 on the Resilience Plan and the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021/2027.

Then, also following his political initiative, António Costa will discuss the future Recovery and Resilience Plan on the 23rd of this month in the Assembly of the Republic, during a thematic debate. The Recovery and Resilience Program will be publicly presented on October 14, the day before the document is delivered to the European Commission.
