SIC News | Portugal enters a contingency situation. What changes?


Continental Portugal will enter a contingency situation this Tuesday with specific measures for Metropolitan Areas.

At a meeting of the Council of Ministers, on Thursday, September 10, a set of measures was approved that will be applied as of September 15. day on which mainland Portugal will enter a contingency situation to “control the pandemic”, with the implementation of “preventive measures”, considering the period of return to school and work.

In addition to the regulations for most of the continental territory, Prime Minister António Costa announced specific measures for the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto, where the risk of covid-19 incidence is higher due to the “higher population density “.


The contingency situation that will come into force this Tuesday replaces the state of alert in force since the beginning of July for most of the country, with the exception of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, which had remained in contingency.

The Government determined the following measures:

Limitation of concentrations to 10 people, unless they belong to the same household, on public roads and in establishments;

– Prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages in service areas or at fuel service stations;

Prohibition of sale of alcoholic beverages, after 20:00, in retail establishments, including supermarkets and hypermarkets;

Prohibition of the consumption of alcoholic beverages in outdoor spaces of restaurants and drinks after 8:00 pm., except in the context of food service;

Commercial establishments can only open after 10:00. There will be “exceptions” where it will be possible for stores to open before 10:00, such as “bakeries, coffee shops, hairdressers and gyms.”

Closing time of the establishment, it will be mandatory between 20:00 and 23:00each municipality being responsible for determining the exact time “in accordance with the specific reality of the municipality” and with the favorable opinion of the local health authority and security forces.

– In shopping center restoration areas, the same is defined maximum limit of 4 people per group;


In metropolitan areas, a greater effort will be required from companies, which will have to maintain teleworking and have mirror equipment to reduce the number of people in the workplace.

The Government also wants the schedules to be out of date in the entries, exits and breaks of shifts.

The goal is to reduce the concentration of people on public transport, on the way from home to work and vice versa.

The question of schedules is a decision that concerns not only employers, but also the main unions in the country.


Sports venues will be left without an audience, considering the difference in people’s behavior between being in a football stadium or in a movie theater or theater.

The decision goes against the pressure that has been put into effect by football. For leaders who have complained of discrimination in relation to culture, António Costa responds in the first person.

See below all the measures launched by the Government:

New habits for going back to school

With the holidays over, thousands of students returned to schools on Monday and school rules have completely changed for the start of this new school year.

The use of a mask is mandatory from the fifth year, but this is just one of the many rules imposed by the pandemic.

These are new habits that require a collective effort so that classroom teaching is not interrupted again.

Costa warns that the country cannot “pay the price” of having schools closed

António Costa visited a school without students. At Grupo Escolar Benavente, the return to face-to-face classes is scheduled for Thursday. However, the Prime Minister did not realize, however, that the measures that were taken and the rules imposed on schools are not enough; there is a part of caution that everyone should do And that applies both inside and outside of school. Because, he points out to remember: “the school itself does not transmit the virus to anyone.”

During the visit, always next to the Minister of Education, Tiago Brandão Rodrigues and followed by the two Secretaries of State for Education, João Costa and Susana Amadora, the message that was left was one of confidence.

Face-to-face education is irreplaceable, although the closure of schools in March was fundamental. The height. Now, going back to schools is really necessary in the opinion of the Prime Minister. Why “We can’t keep paying the price of closing the school”.

A cost that accentuated inequalities. And even admitting that the school year will have “problems,” António Costa says he will do everything he can to keep schools open. “Caution “is the watchword. A new discipline is what is called for.

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