Lar do Comércio closes three nursery and kindergarten rooms after two cases of covid-19


Twenty-six children who attend the Lar do Comércio nursery and kindergarten, in the municipality of Matosinhos, are quarantining their homes after two cases of covid-19 infection were detected, the institution reported Monday.

Among the 26 children, out of a total of three rooms, there are two siblings, 7 months and 2 years, which tested positive for the new coronavirus.

In a statement, the address of Lar do Comércio describes that it was contacted on Sunday by the mother of two children who attend the team of her children who, subjected to the covid-19 test, tested positive, so she decided to contact everyone parents and employees of this. team, to which the instructions of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) were transmitted.

The brothers were infected on the weekend of September 6 during a visit to their grandparents, in Viseu, who only later, on September 10, will have tested positive. Knowing the grandfather’s result, the children’s mother removed them from the children’s team, already on September 10, to be evaluated as well. The positive result was known to the institution, yesterday, September 13, at the beginning of the afternoon.“, describes Lar do Comércio in a note to the editors.

This situation, which occurs in an institution that was involved in controversy in May due to some cases of contagion in the Valencia dedicated to the elderly, led to an “emergency meeting” on Sunday.

After being closed in mid-March due to the contingencies of the covid-19 pandemic, the children’s valence reopened on June 1.

Faced with the impossibility of contacting the Matosinhos health delegate, Linha Saúde 24 recommended that management contact all parents and guardians with an explicit and urgent indication that they should all contact the health line 800 24 24 24.“, continues describing the institution.

In addition to the 26 children, including infected siblings, educators and assistants were also recommended to remain in prophylactic isolation, a measure described as “preventive until the test results are known.”

After contacting the home, the source of the institution explained that there are three rooms in question, since in addition to the baby’s room and the children’s room to which the two brothers belong, there was a need to protect the children and employees of a third room due to the distribution of the space dedicated to napping.

The Delegate of Health of Matosinhos was informed by email of all the procedures in progress, and the institution is now in coordination with the Delegation of Health to develop all the corresponding procedures. All the procedures and rules of the institution’s Contingency Plan were activated and all the recommendations of the DGS were followed“, says Lar do Comércio.

In the same note, the management guarantees that “it has already cleaned all the space of the nursery and kindergarten and its equipment, furniture and toys” to guarantee “the continuation of its safe operation, in the terms of the contingency in force and DGS standards “.

Thus, the nursery and kindergarten continue with their usual activities, and the rooms that were temporarily closed will soon resume their activity, after the period of prophylactic isolation, a fact that all parents and guardians will go to work. current “, the house ends.
