Public ministry. Case of falsification of documents against a PS deputy presented for a thousand euros


The Public Ministry proposed the filing of the document falsification process in which the Socialist deputy Hortense Martins and her father, Joaquim Martins, are accused after both agreed to pay a thousand euros to the State. The examining magistrate accepted the decision despite the assumption that the two had knowingly submitted a document of “false content”.

The information is provided by the newspaper “Público”, which followed the process from the beginning. The case dates back to 2011, the year in which the Socialist deputy decided to resign from the management of her father’s hotel business, signing a document that proved it. However, he remained in office for another two years, until 2013.

According to the Public Ministry, according to the same publication, daughter and father made use of a document “prepared and signed” by the first, “whose content they knew did not correspond to reality, knowing that it would be registered in the commercial register, acting with the intention that the defendant Hortense would be exempt from the management of said company on a date prior to the actual date ”.

This case is directly related to another in which Hortense and Joaquim Martins were charged, as well as Investel, the socialist’s father, of which Hortense Martins was the manager, Adraces, a regional development association of which he was director. The executive António Realinho, an economist since 2018 who is serving four and a half years in prison for fraud and forgery, and later the mayor of Castelo Branco, Joaquim Mourão, who at that time was councilor Luís Correia, would become president. da Câmara (meanwhile he was dismissed), and is married, as he was at that time, to Hortense Martins.

This will have obtained, first in 2010 and then in 2013, two grants (171 thousand euros for the construction of a “Center for Leisure and Gastronomic Tourism” inaugurated 24 months ago and 105 thousand euros for a rural tourism unit that has also already been operating on the date of approval of the respective application). The money was paid to Investel, even though EU regulations expressly say that grants cannot be approved if projects are already completed when the final decision on applications is made.

The Public Ministry also ended up filing these two cases, claiming, based on the community regulations itself, that the expenses could be subsidized since the “respective operations” were not concluded at that time on the date of the subsidy application. When applying for the first grant, and although the “Leisure and Tourism Center” had been open for two years, 1,559 euros would still be spent on the purchase of shelves and other furniture to finish off the bar area; In the case of Rural tourism, inaugurated six months earlier, it was “to make the arrangement of the barbecue”, to acquire “some furniture” and “to publicize the project.”

Now, after filing them, the Public Ministry understood that the case that the degree of guilt of the deputy “is not particularly high” and that, therefore, could be resolved under three conditions: the rectification of the transfer date of the management scored by Hortense Martins. registered in the commercial register; the payment of a thousand euros to the Commission for the Protection of Crime Victims; and the payment of another thousand euros to the State by Joaquim Martins.
