“They are crossing limits, I have never seen such an offensive and slanderous campaign” & n …


Luís Filipe Vieira, president of Benfica, reacted for the first time (or in the first person) to the controversy created by the presence of António Costa, prime minister, and Fernando Medina, leader of the Lisbon Chamber, in the Committee of Honor in his reelection, which will be officially presented in the next few days. “This goes beyond all limits”, He shot the number 1 of the reds, as the delegation left for Greece, where the group led by Jorge Jesús will face PAOK in the third round of the Champions League.

From António Costa and Fernando Medina to Cristina Ferreira and (in principle) Jesus: who is on the Vieira Honor Commission

“They are pushing all limits. I have never seen, and have been here for many years, such an offensive and slanderous campaign. It’s something I’ve been seeing, but the truth always comes out. I will speak when I understand that I must, until then the most important thing is that our players respond on the field. But I never saw in my life Such a shameful campaign. Review? I’m immune to that, ”he said before leaving for Thessaloniki.

The day before, the day that the names of António Costa and Fernando Medina were confirmed in the Honor Committee, Varandas Fernandes, Vieira’s alternate since 2012, had also assumed a public position. “In Portugal, unfortunately a culture of suspicion and hypocrisy is installed, mark of our time. Citizens who hold public office are suspects, sometimes in the field of politics, or sports, or even in social solidarity activities. In the great majority of the time, these episodes embody a society in which sterile debates and depressed interpreters continue ”, he began by mentioning.

Costa declines to comment on the support for Vieira. “It is an issue that has nothing to do with political life”

“It is not because they are politicians that António Costa and Fernando Medina are prevented from taking a position in the election of their club. They are still citizens and in this case benfiquistas. They should have the freedom to speak out and support those who best serve the interests of the club. They are two partners, among many thousands, of Sport Lisboa e Benfica, and in this condition they decided to join the Committee of Honor of Luís Filipe Vieira. Fernando Medina has shown proof of exemption for all clubs in the city. Supporting is not favoring. As a government official, he has shown balance and a sense of duty towards everyone ”, defended the leader, before speaking about the case of FC Porto: “There is a difference between what happened in Porto and the support of António Costa. António Costa does not integrate any list to the management of the Club. Take a look at the number of politicians on the FC Porto Superior Council. This persecution of Benfica and its president is regrettable and reprehensible ”.

Earlier on Thursday, João Gabriel, spokesperson for Vieira’s reelection to leadership, had also spoken at a press conference about what he considered to be “A permanent clues campaign that aim at a single objective, to unduly interfere in Benfica’s electoral act scheduled for next October ”, and which he describes as something that occurs“ continuously, rudely and shamelessly ”.

Vieira opens campaign and speaks of “permanent campaign of insinuations”: “It is unsustainable to be silent”

“It is not normal that, the day that Benfica announces, for the seventh consecutive year, positive results, there is a story that someone places in the newspapers today. It’s not a coincidence that, as recently as last week, a newspaper preannounced an alleged indictment that is supposed to emerge in the next few days. It is not equally innocent that, with Luís Filipe Vieira’s company restructuring the debt with Novo Banco, a restructuring that, it is said, did not imply any forgiveness, but rather a reinforcement of guarantees and liquidity comparable to dozens of other processes. identical and verify that they obey the same requirement – week after week, the only process that is mediated, and in a distorted way, is that of Luís Filipe Vieira ”, he emphasized.

“Contrary to everything that is said, insinuates, plants and suggests, the truth is that Benfica and its president were the target of continuous criminal practices with the sole purpose of publicly denigrating the institution and its leader, without any kind of Criminal consequence so far (…) It is also unbearable to see that some benefactors rejoice at this news as if the means justify the ends. It cannot and cannot be worth everything. A lie repeated many times does not become the truth, however, there is a risk of generating a wrong perception and that is what someone is desperately betting, “he added.
