Case of students who missed the Citizenship class at the hands of the MP – Observer


The lack of attendance to the Citizenship and Development classes of two minor students from the Camilo Castelo Branco school group, in Famalicão, for two school years, led to a complaint before the Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth (CPCJ) and is now is being investigated by the prosecutor. The two students, Rafael, 14, and Tiago, 12, did not attend discipline classes unlike the parents, who complain about the curricular content. The news is advanced by the weekly Expresso.

The parents of minors allege “conscientious objection” as a reason for vetoing the attendance to discipline (compulsory) by minors, who have a good performance in the other curricular units. Among the various topics covered in the Citizenship and Development course are sexuality, human rights, gender equality, interculturality, sustainable development, environmental education, health, media, institutions and democratic participation, financial literacy and education for consumption and road safety.

Citizenship. The arguments for and against the discipline that generates controversy

The case of the Famalicão students is creating a legal mess. By decision of the class councils, the two students went from one school year to the next two years, despite not attending classes in one of the compulsory subjects of the curriculum.

The decision was vetoed by the guardianship, even due to the intransigence of the family, which rejected all the proposals for a “student recovery plan” so that the students could pass to discipline. The family, however, intervened two precautionary measures and, despite the ongoing judicial process, the students were able to spend a school year until a final judicial decision is issued on the legality or not of the so-called “school year pass” without the frequency of a compulsory subject.

However, however, the school reported the absence of the students to the Commission for the Protection of Minors, which still listened to the parents without being able to divert them from its decision. Then she reported the case to the Public Ministry, which opened an investigation.

Citizenship. 17 answers to understand the case of honor roll students who failed in Famalicão

Heard by Expresso, the president of the National Commission for Children and Youth at Risk, Caserío Rosário, considers that “the decision [dos pais] not allowing the child access to parts of the school curriculum can jeopardize their rights ”, a position contested by parents. The Secretary of State for Education, João Costa, stressed: “We are not in the sphere of opinion. The curriculum [escolar] it is a source of answer to problems that exist and obeys scientific questions ”.

Given the topics covered in the discipline of Citizenship and Development, which for three years has been mandatory for students from 5th to 9th grade, two petitions have already been launched: one from signatories who consider that parents should have the right to invoke the conscientious objection to the frequency of discipline by their children (for not agreeing with the curricular approaches of the subjects of the subject) and another that defends the obligation to attend the discipline.
