DGS Bulletin. Four months ago, the number of hospitalized patients had not increased that much in 24 hours – Observer


Four months have passed since the number of people hospitalized in Portugal with Covid-19 has not increased that much in 24 hours. At midnight on Saturday, September 12, 438 were infected in hospitals, 34 more than at the same time the day before. We must go back to May 6 to find another 24 hours in which the number of hospitalized in Portugal has had such a negative variation: between exits and new accesses to health units, 36 more hospitalizations were registered during that day.

This is one of the data from the bulletin released this Saturday by the General Health Directorate, which also includes the number of confirmed cases of contagion in the previous 24 hours and the number of deaths from Covid-19 in the same period.

Now there are 497 more infected in the country – a number lower than that registered in the three previous days (697, 585 and 646), but significantly higher than in the two days before those three (388, 249 and 315) -, increasing the total number of confirmed infection cases since the beginning of the pandemic to 63,310. In the last 24 hours, the number of deaths of people infected by the new coronavirus in Portugal has also increased: five more deaths were recorded, bringing the total number of fatalities to 1,860.

The increase in the number of hospitalized patients in 24 hours – 34 more people hospitalized – is significantly higher than in previous days of this September, such as 10 (+ 15 hospitalizations), 8 (+13), 7 (+27), September 6 (+9), September 5 (+6) and 4 (+5).

On September 11 (-2), September 9 (-3) and September 3 (-3), the variation in patients hospitalized in 24 hours had caused a decrease in the number of hospitalized with Covid-19 in Portugal .

The number of hospitalized in intensive care units also increased, with a more guarded health prognosis: compared to midnight the day before, between new entries and exits there is a record of five more hospitalized in ICU. At midnight, there were already 59 people in these units.

Of the 497 cases of contagion confirmed this Friday in Portugal, almost half (243, equivalent to 49%) were detected in the Lisbon region and the Tagus Valley.

In the North region, 178 more cases of contagion (36% of the country’s total) with the virus that can cause Covid-19 disease were detected. Then, with more confirmed cases, the Center region (39 more cases), Alentejo (26 more), the South region (7 more) and the Azores and Madeira (both regions with 2 more cases).

The age group in which the number of cases grew the most during this Friday was, again, the age group of 20 to 29 years: at these ages, there was an increase of more than 98 confirmed cases of infection in Portugal.

It is followed by the age group of 30 to 39 years, in which 76 more cases were detected and the group of 40 to 49 years, with more than 72 cases.

The age group of 30 to 39 years is already the age group with the most confirmed cases of infection, with 10,391 people infected since the start of the pandemic. It is followed by the group of 40 to 49 years, with 10,350 infected since March.

The number of people who have clinically recovered from the infection is now 43,894, according to health authorities this Friday. 250 more people recovered.

This is the highest value since August 8, that is, it is necessary to go back a month to find a day with such a high number of people managed as clinically recovered from the infection in Portugal. In the bulletin published by DGS on August 8, the number of recovered from the previous day was 277.

Of the five people infected by SARS-CoV-2 who died this Friday in Portugal, four were from the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region and one was from the North, according to the bulletin released by the General Directorate of Health.

Only one of the fatal victims was over 80 years old. Three of the victims were between 70 and 79 years old and one between 60 and 69 years old.
