Covid-19: Contingency rules published in mainland Portugal | Coronavirus


The contingency situation in mainland Portugal until September 30 determines a limit of ten people for agglomeration purposes and four people in restaurants, cafes and pastry shops less than 300 meters from schools or universities.

The new rules, published Friday night in the online edition of newspaper of the Republic, are defined in a resolution of the Council of Ministers (n. 70-A / 2020) that “renews the exceptional and specific measures applicable, namely, to the activities of retail commercial establishments, provision of services, catering establishments and access to public services and buildings, as well as the other additional and exceptional measures necessary to interrupt the transmission chains of the covid-19 disease ”.

Among the new measures adopted, the application, throughout the national territory, of the prohibition of sale of alcoholic beverages in service stations is determined. After 8 pm, its sale is prohibited at points of sale, including supermarkets and hypermarkets.

The geographical extension of the contingency level to the entire country also determines that the limit of ten people for the purpose of agglomeration of people becomes applicable throughout the national territory.

For its part, “the attribution, to the president of the territorially competent municipal council, of the possibility of setting the opening hours of the establishments in the respective geographical area, even if it is limited to certain limits, is also applicable throughout the national territory. from 8pm to 11pm and with the favorable opinion of the local health authority and the security forces ”.

“In all restaurants, cafeterias and pastry shops located within a radius of 300 meters from an educational establishment or a higher education institution, the maximum limit of four people per group is established,” the resolution published in newspaper of the Republic.

The resolution establishes that in “shopping center restoration areas (Food places) a maximum limit of four people per group is defined ”, and“ the limit of ten people also applies within restaurants or similar establishments ”.

There are also “specific work organization regulations applicable to the Lisbon and Porto Metropolitan Areas, which determine, namely, the mandatory adoption of measures to prevent and mitigate the risks derived from the covid-19 pandemic.”

This resolution “renews the exceptional and specific measures applicable, namely, to the activities of retail establishments, the provision of services, catering establishments and access to public services and buildings, as well as the other measures additional and exceptional essentials for the interruption of transmission chains ”of covid-19.

In this statement of the contingency situation, in the field of the new coronavirus pandemic, the Government recognizes that “the reality experienced in Portugal justifies the adoption of more restrictive measures than those that have been taken in the previous weeks.”

This is because, “on the one hand, there is an increase in new daily cases of contagion of the disease. For another, With the start of the school year and the expected increase in the number of people in circulation, specifically on public transport in areas with high population density, it would also be expected that, in the absence of more restrictive measures, there would be an increase in cases of contagion. ”.

The resolution now published in newspaper of the Republic determines that “patients with covid-19 and those infected with SARS-CoV-2 remain in mandatory confinement, at their home or in another place defined by the health authorities”, as well as “citizens in relation to which health authority or other health professionals have determined active surveillance ”.

Regarding employment, the resolution establishes that “the employer must provide the worker with adequate health and safety conditions to prevent the risk of contagion derived from the covid-19 pandemic, being able, in particular, to adopt the teleworking regime “.

“Without prejudice to the possibility of adopting the teleworking regime in the general terms provided in the Labor Code, this regime is mandatory when required by the worker, regardless of the employment relationship and provided that the functions in question allow it” when “the worker, through certification, is covered by the exceptional protection regime for immunosuppressed and chronically ill patients.”

The teleworking regime is mandatory, “regardless of the employment relationship and provided that the functions in question allow it, when the physical spaces and the organization of work do not allow compliance with the guidelines of the DGS and the Authority of Working Conditions in the matter, in the strictest measure necessary ”.

“In situations in which the teleworking regime is not adopted in the terms provided for in the Labor Code, it may be implemented, within the maximum limits of the normal work period and respecting the right to daily and weekly rest provided for in the law or in an applicable collective labor regulation, preventive measures and mitigation of risks derived from the pandemic of the disease covid-19 ”, Journal of the Republicto.

The new regulation establishes that “private vehicles with a capacity of more than five seats can only drive, unless all the occupants belong to the same household, with two thirds of their capacity, and the occupants must wear a mask or visor”.

In mainland Portugal, places open to the public must guarantee a maximum occupancy rule of 0.05 people per square meter of surface, with the exception of service provision establishments.

These establishments must adopt “measures that ensure a minimum distance of two meters between people” and guarantee that “people stay in the space only for the time strictly necessary.”

Regarding hygiene standards, places open to the public must guarantee that “the provision of the service and the transport of the products must be carried out in compliance with the necessary hygiene standards defined by the DGS.”

“Economic operators must promote daily and periodic cleaning and disinfection of spaces, equipment, objects and surfaces with which there is intense contact”, as well as “cleaning and disinfection, before and after each use or interaction by the customer, automatic payment terminals (TPA), equipment, objects, surfaces, products and utensils in direct contact with customers “.

Retail establishments or service providers are responsible for “ensuring the availability of skin disinfectant solutions, for workers and clients, at all entrances and exits of establishments, as well as inside, in suitable places for disinfection in accordance with the organization of each space ”.

In relation to opening hours, establishments cannot open before 10 in the morning, except “hairdressing salons, barbers, beauty institutes, restaurants and the like, cafeterias, tea houses and the like, driving schools and technical inspection centers. . vehicles, as well as gyms and gyms ”.

“The establishments close between 8:00 pm and 11:00 pm, and the closing time, within this interval, as well as the opening time, may be set by the president of the competent territorial council, after a favorable opinion from the local health authority and security forces. ”.

The resolution also establishes that “commercial or service establishments must give priority to health professionals, elements of the security, protection and rescue forces and services, the armed forces and service personnel. social support “.

The new regulation prohibits “the holding of celebrations and other events that involve an agglomeration of people greater than ten people, unless they belong to the same household.”

In accordance with the regulations applicable to air and airport traffic, “passengers on flights originating in countries to be defined by order of the members of the Government responsible for the areas of foreign relations, national defense, internal administration, health and civil aviation, have To present, at the time of departure, proof of having carried out a molecular test by RT-PCR to detect SARS-CoV-2 infection with a negative result, carried out within 72 hours prior to departure time, under penalty of refusal to board the aircraft and enter national territory ”.

ANA “must carry out infrared body temperature controls at the Portuguese international airports that it manages for all passengers arriving in the national territory.”

Passengers subjected to temperature control at 38ºC or more, “must be directed immediately to a suitable space for repeated measurement of body temperature, and these passengers, if the evaluation of the situation justifies it, must be subjected to molecular tests by RT-PCR for the screening of SARS-CoV-2 infection ”.

Regarding fairs and markets, the new regulation establishes that “for each fair or market there must be a contingency plan for the covid-19 disease, prepared by the competent local authority or approved by it.”

The new regulations indicate that “public services preferably maintain the face-to-face service by appointment, as well as the continuity and reinforcement of the provision of services through digital media and contact centers with citizens and companies.”

Soccer matches will continue “without an audience.”

With a view to protecting residents in residential structures for the elderly, integrated units of continuous care of the National Network of Integrated Continuous Care and other responses dedicated to the elderly, as well as children, young people and people with disabilities, “the self-control of symptoms of the disease by the professionals assigned to these units and their periodic screening to identify suspected cases early ”.

Tests will be carried out on all residents, if a positive case is detected in any contact, and “visits to users are allowed, with compliance with the rules defined by the DGS, and evaluation of the need to suspend them for a limited time and depending on the situation. specific epidemiological study, in conjunction with the local health authority ”.
