Schools will receive 100,000 laptops in the 1st period


Without giving a date, the Ministry of Education issued a statement at the end of the day on Friday, guaranteeing that 100,000 computers will be distributed in the first period by the students covered by the School Social Action.

The equipment will be of a different type depending on the teaching cycle and Internet access will be through mobile broadband. The guardianship guarantee was delivered two before the start of the school year (which will take place between 14 and 17). The directors are unaware of the execution of the plan, the presidents of the two associations assured JN.

Without advancing the date, the Ministry of Education issued a statement at the end of the day, guaranteeing that 100,000 computers will be distributed in the first period by the students covered by the School Social Action. The equipment will be of a different type depending on the teaching cycle and Internet access will be through mobile broadband. The guardianship guarantee was given two before the start of the school year (which will take place between 14 and 17). The directors are unaware of the execution of the plan, the presidents of the two associations assured JN.

“If we return to a situation of confinement, a class or an entire school, little has changed in terms of equipment and access in relation to March,” warns Manuel Pereira, president of the National Association of School Leaders (ANDE), highlighting that the Schools remain to be helped with equipment provided or loaned by local authorities.

“We need to know what material we are going to have in case we start working in a mixed regime, remotely or if a group goes into quarantine,” insists Filinto Lima. The president of the National Association of Directors (ANDAEP) warns that the situation, in some groups, may even be worse than in March, because after the closing of the schools, the establishments were able to lend the equipment they have, for example, in the classrooms. Computer science or libraries, now, with most students in schools, “they can’t do it anymore.”

The Undersecretary of State for Education, João Costa, announced the day before yesterday, in an online debate, that in total “around one and a half million computers” will be acquired to achieve universal online access for “all students and all teachers “as promised by the Prime Minister in April.

“We already have procurement processes underway,” said João Costa, assuring that the plan “is at an accelerated pace”, but that tenders and awards have to overcome the restriction caused by the “great reduction in the supply capacity of the company. industry in this area. ” . The universalization of the digital school will have a total investment of 400 million euros, through community funds.
