SIC News | The fight for survival. “We have been eating and drinking for three days”


More than 12,000 people who were sheltering in and around Moria were left homeless after two major fires on Tuesday and Wednesday night, which Greek authorities say were deliberately set by some of the refugee camp residents.

The refugees demonstrated this Friday because they have been sleeping outdoors for two or three nights, arranging blankets to protect themselves from the cold of the night.

“We have not eaten for three days, without drinking. We are in very difficult conditions.”said Freddy Mussamba, one of the refugees from the camps that burned this week.

The installation of this first provisional camp to collect them is being carried out in the midst of a strong security device, made up of squads of riot police that arrived this morning from the continent. Helicopters of firemen brought the material by air, due to the blockades The local population has been settling on the roads for two days, to avoid the construction of a new field.

Fire in a refugee camp in Greece. Athens calls on the EU to move from words to deeds

Greece calls on Europe to move from words to deeds. The appeal comes from the urgent need to relocate the 13,000 migrants left homeless after the fire that destroyed Europe’s largest refugee camp.

Ten EU countries host 400 children from Lesbos refugee camp

Ten European Union countries will receive some 400 unaccompanied migrant minors, evacuated from the Greek island of Lesbos after the fires that destroyed the Moria camp, the German Interior Minister announced today.

“Our contacts with member states of the European Union led 10 countries to participate in the reception” of these 400 minors, said Horst Seehofer, at a press conference in which the vice president of the European Commission, the Greek Margaritis Schinas, also participated. .

According to the minister, Germany and France will collect between 100 and 150 children each.

“We are talking to other European partners to specify numbers, but we assume that it will be up to us to receive most of that group,” he added.

Thousands of refugees from the Greek camp of Moria exposed to bad weather after a fire

Thousands of refugees from the Moria camp were exposed to bad weather in Greece, awaiting the transfer of facilities destroyed by the fire on Wednesday.

Many people were temporarily placed in precarious tents after the fire destroyed the places where they lived and await new facilities on the island of Lesbos.

Many families have spent the night on the roads surrounding the camp.
