DGS Bulletin. Largest absolute increase since April 16, day 27 with increase in active cases – Observer


It is necessary to go back five months to find an increase, in absolute numbers, as large as this Friday. On April 16, at the peak of the pandemic, Portugal had an increase of 750 new cases compared to the previous day, this Friday there were more than 687 new cases. Regarding the relative increase, this Friday is the same as Wednesday, an increase of around 1.1%.

There is good news in terms of hospitalizations: they have decreased in the wards and intensive care units, little is certain, with less five people hospitalized than in Thursday’s report from the General Health Directorate. Since the beginning of September, day 2, that the number of hospitalized patients did not decrease in the general wards and intensive care units, on the same day.

As for the dead, three men died, in the last 24 hours, one of them in the Algarve – which had not registered any deaths since August 9 – and the rest in the Lisbon region and the Tagus Valley. They were between 40 and over 80 years old: one was between 40 and 49 years old, another between 60 and 69 years old, and the third was over 80 years old.

Of the 62,813 confirmed cases so far in Portugal, 203 have recovered 203 in the last 24 hours, increasing the total recovered to 43,644 at midnight on Friday. In addition to those infected with a confirmed diagnosis, 35,712 people are under surveillance by health authorities, 531 more than in Thursday’s bulletin.
