Will I have different times to get to work? Can I go alone with three classmates to the cafe near the school? 18 answers about what changes – Obs …


Generally speaking, this is what will happen: The entire territory will begin to function with the regulations that, until now, were only in force in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. – the only one in the country that remained in a state of contingency, when the rest of the territory was only on alert. By decision of the Council of Ministers, as of September 15, inside or outside Lisbon, the state will become one: contingency. Which is not to say that everything is the same everywhere.

the commercial establishments, for example, will not all close at the same time: it will be closed between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. The time will be defined by the mayors, who will decide according to the epidemiological evolution of their municipality. This means that one supermarket in Coimbra may close at 8pm, but another one right next door, in Mealhada, may close at 11pm.

Then, in the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto, where the pandemic is most concentrated, workers cannot all arrive at work at the same time, or have lunch at the same time. After all, what will change from September 15?

Alert, contingency and calamity. After all, what state is the country in?

It was one of the biggest doubts, but no. You can use it, but nobody forces you to do that. Despite what is already happening in other European countries, here everything will continue as it has been since the beginning of May, in this regard: the use of a mask is only mandatory in public transport, public services such as finance offices and conservatories, in trade, in restoration. and in schools. In general, closed spaces with a large concentration of people.

yes but only in the two metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto, where the pandemic is most concentrated. In these areas, the Government requires that there be a delay in the time of entry and exit in the companies, as well as in the breaks and meals. This means that workers cannot all arrive at work at the same time, or have lunch at the same time.

But Costa remembers that this differentiation it depends a lot from one company to another and from activity to activity. “In an industrial company where there is an assembly line, it is difficult to differentiate the moment of entry,” he exemplified. Contacted by the Observer, the Ministry of Labor has not clarified how this measure will be applied.

Masks will not be mandatory on public roads, but the government legislates to avoid rush hours

It is not yet clear how this control will be carried out, but there will not be “a police officer or an inspector behind every person, in every company, in every workplace,” Costa guaranteed. As the Prime Minister explained, “they will be [locais de trabalho]”To be inspected. However the Authority for working conditions it will also “do that extra check”.
