Portuguese health professionals infected below average


POrtugal registered, in the last 24 hours, three more deaths and 646 infected for the new coronavirus, the highest number of daily cases recorded since 20 April. Since the beginning of pandemic, there are 1,849 deaths and 61,541 confirmed cases.

Given the increase in cases, a directorReferral General of Health, during the press conference of DGS, that “only 12% of the total of 646 new infected they are over 70 years old ”. Which is a “positive indicator in relation to its potential severity,” she assured.

This Wednesday, AstraZeneza suspended testing of the final phase of the vaccine, which is being developed in collaboration with the University of Oxford, following a suspicion of reaction serious adverse effect in one study participant.

Asked about this news, the president of the Infamous, Rui Ivo, clarified that it is a normal procedure. “We are facing a normal operating situation of the system,” he stressed, reiterating that this way the standards of “quality, safety and efficiency” are guaranteed.

See the evolution maps pandemic of the new coronavirus in Portugal and in the World.

Follow HERE THE MINUTE the latest news about the COVID-19-19 in Portugal and in the world:

17h14 – Boris Johnson commented today on the ban on meetings with more than six people in England, which will take effect from Monday. “The ban will be stipulated by law and the police will enforce it. Whoever violates it runs the risk of being dispersed, fined and possibly arrested,” he was quoted as saying by Sky News.

The ban applies to gatherings indoors and outdoors, including private homes, parks, pubs, and restaurants.

16h58 – Infamous there is no predictable date for the vaccine to arrive. The president of the National Medicines Authority (Infamous) said today that the arrival of a vaccine against COVID-19-19 depends on the evolution of research on its quality, safety and efficacy, and therefore no date advances.

16h51 – Return of the public to the stadiums? It will not happen “in the near future”. The return of the public to football stadiums will not occur in the “near future,” the directorGeneral de Salud, explaining that schools will reopen soon and that it is necessary to be “prudent and staggered“.

16h49 – To update not UK. The United Kingdom recorded 2,659 new cases of infection by COVID-19-19 and eight more deaths in the last 24 hours, according to official data from the Ministry of Health britdwarf.

16h48 – At home Vimioso with a positive case. The provider of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Vimioso (SCMV) said today that there has been a record, in the last hours, of “a positive case” for COVID-19-19 in the old people’s home of that town in the district of Bragança.

16h46 – Number of Portuguese healthcare professionals infected below the world average. The number of Portuguese healthcare professionals infected by SARSCoV-2 is around 7.5%, a figure below the world average of 10% estimated by the World Health Organization, the undersecretary of State and Health said today.

4:43 PM – It takes a “duplicate effort” to meet decarbonization. The Minister of the Sea stressed today, in parliament, that the pandemic of COVID-19-19 reached everyone “in a very strong way”, requiring “a duplicate effort” to comply with environmental and environmental policies. decarbonization.

4:42 PM – The outbreak of a restaurant amounts to nine infected in PortalegreThe municipality of Portalegre registers nine cases of people infected with COVID-19-19, with the origin of the outbreak related to a restaurant employee, meanwhile closed, the president of the city, Adelaide Teixeira told Lusa today.

16h32 – To update in Italy. The country has registered 1,434 cases and 14 deaths in the last 24 hours. The total number of confirmed cases since the beginning of pandemic, rose to 281,583 and the number of fatalities to 35,577.

16h13 – Study serological it already has almost half of the 12 thousand volunteers. More than 5,000 volunteers signed up Tuesday on the website where the panel is registered serological national COVID-19-19, nearly 45% of the samples were filled on the first day of operation, it was announced today.

15h52 – The number of cases on the Douro cruise is seven. Speaking to SIC Notícias, the president of the Chambertimes Municipal of Castelo Paiva, where the boat is located, reported that “there are 5 crew members infected and two passengers. “

According to the president, the two passengers, of French nationality, are “in a health unit”, and the five crew members are on the ship. When asked when the results of the remaining tests will be known, mayor presumes it will be “soon.”

3:45 pm – Moura Village registers transmission chain. A chain of transmission of the new coronavirus what causes the disease COVID-19-19 already infetou six people and took the health authority to test employees and users of a day center in the village of Safara, municipality of Moura.

3:30 pm. – 23 households with sprouts active. During the press conference of AddressGeneral of Health, this Wednesday, Graça Freitas revealed that, at this moment there are 23 outbreaks active of the new coronavirus in homes.

“It is a much lower figure than what we have had in the past, which means that the measures that have been taken are having an effect,” said the director-General of Health, also guaranteeing that, in any case, the health authorities will be especially attentive to these situations.

15h20 – Cruise operating in the Duero with six positive cases. Two passengers, of French nationality, and four crew members of a cruise ship that operates on the Douro River, owned by the company. CroisiEurope, tested positive in COVID-19-19, said a source from the Regional Health Administration (ARS) From North.

All passengers and crew on the ship are being examined. In total, according to a ARS-Norte, there are 67 passengers and 20 crew members.

3:15 pm – To update In Portugal. The country recorded three more deaths and 646 confirmed cases of COVID-19-19 in the last 24 hours. In total, there are 1,849 deaths and 61,541 confirmed cases since the beginning of the pandemic.

Regarding the number of recovered, Portugal now registers 43,284 people cured, 138 more than yesterday.

Good afternoon. You can follow in this registry all the questions related to the new coronavirus. Remember the previous one here.

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