Sanctuary of Fatima assures that it is not “bankrupt or insolvent” – News


The Sanctuary of Fátima also affirmed that “it has been the target of a repeated smear campaign that affects the credibility of the Institution and the moral integrity of its governing bodies”, after the news that reported the dismissal of up to 50 workers.

The statement highlights, however, the “gradual and unprecedented decline in the number of organized pilgrimages” to Cova da Iria, of the order of 99%, due to the pandemic, which caused a 77% drop in donations.

Due to the situation, “as in the case of all other entities in our country, the Sanctuary was forced to responsibly review its budget options,” he explained.

However, the Shrine of Fatima said that, during the first half of this year, the fixed costs of the place “remained unchanged and others even increased.” In this sense, the Catholic institution also recalls that “all the positions with the workers were met without resorting to any external support measure”; the “full and punctual payment to the providers was guaranteed, within a maximum period of 30 days”, and “financial support was granted to institutions of social solidarity, needy families and the Church in Portugal, namely, the diocese of Leiria-Fátima , for a total of € 780,871 “.

Regarding the social function, the Sanctuary says that in the “period of the pandemic, support for families and people in need increased by 60%.”

At the end of the statement, the Sanctuary of Fatima also indicates that “since 2006, its accounts are duly audited by an external entity”, being “an institution of the Church, which guides its conduct by strict management.”
