Pastoral of Gypsies considers statements by André Ventura racist and illegal – Observer


The executive director of the National Obra de la Pastoral de los Gitanos, Francisco Monteiro, told the Lusa agency on Tuesday that the statements of the Chega leader about the gypsies are hypocritical and illegal, and that the State must act against the “speech of hate”. . “This is a dishonest thing, it is a dirty thing, objectionable and beyond the most illegal,” said Francisco Monteiro, reacting to André Ventura’s words about the presidential candidacy of Ana Gomes.

The re-elected president of the Chega party and announced presidential candidate defined the former diplomat Ana Gomes as “the gypsy candidate”, after presenting herself as a candidate in the presidential elections in January 2021.

In a certain metaphor, Ana Gomes is the gypsy candidate of these Presidential elections. I am the common Portuguese, “said Ventura, speaking with the Lusa agency.

“It is a hypocritical and unfair statement, because all this only serves to hunt votes from the extreme right. Chega’s objective is to seek votes anyway: to make fun, to be racist, to use the discourse against gypsies that he has been using for many years, since he was in the PSD, ”added the head of the Pastoral de los Gitanos.

For Francisco Monteiro it is “very important” that the State, “and not only the government,” act quickly against this racist and anti-Gypsy discourse.

“If justice in this country worked as it should, with the laws of the European Union and ours on racism and hate speech, the head of Chega should already have a ‘lawsuit at the top’,” said the official. Emphasizing that gypsies suffer “unfortunately” every day this type of speech.

“Ana Gomes is the gypsy candidate,” says André Ventura, who guarantees to resign if he has fewer votes
