Fires: Fire in Oliveira de Frades spreads to the neighboring municipality, 700 operations on the ground – News


Around 5:30 am, the fire, which forced the reinforcement of the media during the night, was fought by 698 operatives, 250 more than at the beginning of the night, supported by 225 vehicles, according to the information available on the website of The authority. National Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC).

The fire reached the neighboring municipality of Sever do Vouga in the early afternoon and may spread to the neighboring municipality.

Source of the District Command of Operations and Relief (CDOS) of Aveiro, where firefighters fight the flames in the municipality of Sever do Vouga, told Lusa that the wind continues to hinder the work of the firefighters, at a time when the fire already moving forward. also to the municipality of Águeda, with numerous settlements in the line of fire.

“For now, we have been able to defend with great effort all these settlements that are in the line of fire,” reported the operations commander of the Aveiro district, António Ribeiro.

The strong wind has made the fight difficult, confirmed the same source.

“The fire continues with a strong progression, due to the strong winds, of 50 kilometers per hour, and now it passes to the municipality of Águeda,” said the commander, highlighting the difficulties faced by the firefighters.

“It is being a very difficult fight, both because of the terrain and the wind. Hopefully the wind begins to slow down with dawn, to have combat conditions,” he told Lusa.

A 41-year-old firefighter died on Monday while fighting this fire in the municipality of Oliveira de Frades, where the national commander of Civil Protection, Duarte da Costa, called for “zero tolerance in the use of fire.”

On the ANEPC website, around 05:50, there was still a fire in the resolution phase in the district of Guarda, in the forest area, in Vila Chã, in the municipality of Seia, which continued to mobilize 121 troops operational, supported by 34 vehicles.

In the district of Braga, in Celorico de Basto, an active fire in the forest area still had on land, at the same time, 101 operatives and 29 vehicles.
