Kidnapped, taken or detained? What is known about the disappearance of the Belarusian opponent (and two others) – Observer


(in update)

First came reports that strangers had taken away the leader of the opposition in Belarus, Maria Kolesnikova, in a van in Minsk. After, other activists of the Coordination Council for the peaceful transfer of power in Belarus, were unreachable, like Anton Rodnenkov and Ivan Kravtsov.

The council itself talks about the arrest, but the Minsk police deny having anything to do with it. What happened to that one of the main opposition figures is a of the few who chose not to go into exile?

Kolesnikova seen in van in Minsk. Apparently by force, the leader of the Belarusian opposition was seen this Monday morning, next to the National Museum of Art, in Minsk, to be “taken” in a van on which the word “Sviaz” was written, which means, in Portuguese. , “Communications”;

Maria Kolesnikova, leader of the Belarusian opposition, seen as “carried in a van”

It is said that “civilians and masked men” pushed the manager into the truck. Witness reports at the scene point to “strangers” who grabbed Maria Kolesnikova and pushed her into the van. “I turned around and saw that civilians and masked men were pushing María towards that truck. Her cell phone flies, one of these people answers, gets in the truck and starts off ”, said one to the Belarusian portal;

There are two more uncontactable activists. Coordinating Council spokesman Anton Rodnenkov confirmed at 10:13 am that Kolesnikova was alone in the city center when they took her away, adding that she was trying to find out where she was. But at 11 a.m. he was inaccessible himself and his cell phone was not available. Pavel Latushko, a member of the Coordination Council, told the portal that, in addition to himself, he cannot contact another activist of the organization, Ivan Kravtsov;

Kidnapping or police arrest? Pavel Latushko confirmed what happened, speaking of a “probable arrest”, in statements to the Russian news agency Interfax: “The only thing we can assume is that the authorities will do everything possible to impede the work of the Council.” However, Minsk police have denied that Kolesnikova was detained by agents of the corporation, the Russian news agency RIA Novosti wrote.
