How to avoid the second wave, Portugal in the 7 worst and good news about children. Six news from the expert meeting – Observer


“With adequate physical distance and hygiene measures, schools are unlikely to be more effective spreading environments than other occupational or leisure settings with similar densities of people,” concludes the researcher.

Carla Nunes adds that “positive and negative studies on the impact of closing / reopening schools on community transmission levels are occasionally published, although evidence suggests that school reopening was not associated with significant increases in community transmission.” .

Ausenda Machado, from the National Institute of Public Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge (INSA), took maps that compare the incidence of the virus between the beginning of August and the beginning of September, and that show that, at the beginning of August, most of the countries had an incidence of less than 20 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Then, in mid-August, “there was an unfavorable progression”, with increases in parts of Spain and Eastern Europe, which continued, with a progressive worsening, until the beginning of September. Some Spanish regions reached 120 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

The INSA specialist showed several graphs that compare, at different times, the incidence and the contagion index (Rt). If on July 8, the date of the last Infarmed meeting, Portugal was in a favorable situation, that is, “very close” to the low incidence quadrant and with an Rt of less than 1, In the most recent data, it appears with more than 40 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants -limit established by the INSA-, that is, with a higher incidence and an Rt slightly higher than 1.

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The country is, therefore, at the moment, in the worst quadrant in terms of transmissibility and incidence. By the way, It is in the group of the seven worst in Europe, with high incidence and transmission on the rise. In the same quadrant are, in addition to Portugal, countries such as Spain, France, Austria, Holland, Croatia and the Czech Republic. Even so, the INSA expert highlights that “the situation is not as damaging as in other countries.”

José Manuel Mendonça, academic at the Institute of Engineering, Technology and Science of Systems and Computing (INESC TEC), spoke about the StayAway Covid application and indicated that, as of Monday morning, 660 thousand people had made to download request.

Luís Goes Pinheiro, president of the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health (SPMS), revealed that nine users used their positive case codes to register as infected patients in the app, and Thus, it is possible to alert the people with whom they have been in contact in the last 14 days, anonymously.

Covid-19 tracking app with half a million downloads

The official also advanced other numbers, this time on the Trace Covid platform, which follows patients after positive tests: there are more than one million and 100 thousand registered users, two million surveillance was carried out, 10,000 professionals from the health this tool and nine thousand users have already carried out surveillance operations.
