Heart attack. Second wave can be avoided if contacts are reduced


“A reopening of schools, following the relaxation measures of the lockdownIt has a great propensity to originate a second wave, but there is good news that the second wave is not a fatality, it is not something inevitable and we can even estimate what we can do to avoid it ”, said the expert. .

According to the mathematical models presented, to avoid a second wave of the new coronavirus in Portugal it is necessary to take into account “two circumstances“: contacts in society and contacts in schools.

According to Manuel do Carmo Gomes, when schools reopen, school contacts are reduced by 30% in relation to the hour “pre-COVID-19“,” the probability of a second wave is very low “.

However, to avoid the appearance of the second wave, the expert argued that it will also be necessary for contacts in society to be reduced to half of what was the “preCOVID-19“, since” changing the behavior of young people in schools is not enough. “

“There is one appearance positive. The model predicts that it is possible to avoid the second wave, it gives us an indication of what we have to do to avoid the second wave ”, said the expert.

In an intervention with the theme “A safe return to school”, Henrique Barros, president of the Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto (ISPUP) stressed that regardless of whether there are “waves”, it is not enough to pay attention only to positive cases, but also to cases asymptomatic.

Henrique Barros also said that despite the opening of schools, it is expected that “the index Rt (index transmissibility) does not increase more “than the values ​​recorded actually.

“It is possible to think that we will be able to control the situation,” said Henrique Barros, also considering the reopening of schools important, that is, so that information from the point of view of health, hygiene and safety is transmitted to children and youth.

Carla Nunes from the National School of Public Health, who in the session presented data from the school’s reopening period on 18 May is in September in other European countries, he stated that “the heterogeneity of health and safety plans is very great”, considering that schools are “only one of the sectors that is open ”and that provides“ behavior changes ”in various groups, not only in children and young people.

During her presentation, the specialist, who used data from other European countries, assured that the increase in cases, for example in the Nordic countries, “cannot be attributed only to the reopening of schools”, but to the relaxation of hygiene measures . and security in this summer period.

Therefore, the specialist defended the need for the involvement of students, teachers, parents, schools and health authorities for this next year. academic, while this participation must also “adapt locally”.

The meeting brings together the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the Prime Minister, the President of the Assembly of the Republic, Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, party, businessmen and union leaders.

A pandemic of COVID-19-19 has already caused at least 889,498 deaths and infetou more than 27.1 million people in 196 countries and territories, according to a report prepared by the French agency AFP.

In Portugal, 1,843 people died of the 60,507 confirmed as infected, according to the most recent Address-General health.

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