Epidemiological situation in Portugal among the most unfavorable in Europe


The Minister of Health, Marta Temido, inaugurated the first open meeting on covid-19 between experts and policy makers, which took place at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, and considered that “Portugal is better prepared to face the new stage”.

“Today Portugal is better prepared to face the new stage, we have more resources, more organization, more knowledge. We are facing a complex context ”, he said.

The work began with an epidemiological situation carried out by Pedro Pinto Leite, from the General Directorate of Health.

“It seems to us that it is necessary to reinforce non-pharmacological measures,” he said, referring to hygiene and detachment measures, especially in those over 80 years old and in young people between 20 and 30 years old, who are the protagonists of the incidents.

Coexistence and workplaces are the main contexts of transmission

Between August 17 and 30, 49% of new cases were contagious among partners and 16% in the workplace.

Mora, Sernancelhe, Armamar, Arouca, Vila Verde and Arraiolos are the municipalities with the most cases per 100,000 inhabitants, more than 75 cases per 100,000 inhabitants

“Stable” fatality

Pedro Pinto Leite closed the presentation saying that the fatality rate is stable, standing at 3.1%. The 80-year-old group is the one with the highest risk, with a case fatality rate of 19.1%.

This was followed by an intervention by Ausenda Machado, a specialist at the Ricardo Jorge Institute, who presented the evolution of the epidemic curve in the country compared to the rest of Europe. Two indicators are used: the cumulative incidence at 14 days adjusted to the population and the RT. On July 8, date of the last meeting in Infarmed, Portugal was below the level of 40 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and registered a TR below 1. Currently, it is above the two levels, making up the list from European countries with a higher epidemiological situation. which includes Spain, France, Austria, Croatia and the Czech Republic. Of all of them, it is the one that presents the least “harmful” situation, said Ausenda Machado, highlighting that the evolution of the different countries in recent months shows a dynamic dynamic.

Central and northern regions with the highest infection rates

Ausenda Machado also presented the evolution of RT in the different regions since the last meeting.

– In the North, the RT was from 1.08 to July 8 and was from 1.19 in the last week of August to 1.19

– In the Central region, the RT was 0.98 at the beginning of July and is now 1.22

– In Lisbon and the Tagus Valley, the RT was 1.1 and now it is 1.07

– In Alentejo, it was 0.93 and it is 0.91 (it is the only region of the country where there is no increasing trend of the epidemic)

– In the Algarve, it was 1.05 and currently stands at 1.08
