Rui Rio criticizes DGS and Government for delay in publicizing the measures – O Jornal Económico


Rui Rio criticized the delay of the Government and the health authorities in publicizing the plan to open the school year. The statements of the Social Democratic leader were made in the early afternoon when he was visiting a school in Vila do Conde.

Rui Rio praised the position of the school in question, which anticipated the sending of standards by the General Directorate of Health for measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus. Despite the apprehension about the transportation issue, which he identified as the main concern in this return to school, the “orange” president highlights the delay in the release of the government guidelines.

“What the school did, well, was anticipate the Government and design its regulations, which will now be adjusted to those that the Government gave a few days ago. This did not stop, but if there are schools that waited for the Government and did not start working on time and on time, naturally they cannot do it now, because the Government did it too late, ”Rio recalled.

Another point that deserved repairs was the lack of computers, something that, the PSD leader emphasizes, was a promise left by the prime minister. “There is a great shortage of computers, I think not only in this school, and that will make life difficult for students who, due to illness, have to start attending classes at home.”

Rio also highlighted the aging of the faculty, which due to age will be more susceptible to risk situations associated with the pandemic. “There are no conditions for teachers to teach (classes) from home, because someone would need to be in the room to monitor the students.”

Asked about a possible understanding with the Socialist Party and the Government for the State Budget, Rio did not give more details, saying that it is still necessary to know the document so that the party can take its position. The president of the PSD also left his assessment to the Festa do Avante, which, he considers, did not correspond to the mobilization predicted and desired by the Communist Party.

The 2020/21 school year begins next week, beginning September 14.
