SIC News | What will the return to school be like?


Just over a week before the start of the new school year, the Parents’ Confederations agree to the rules made by the Government.

On the other hand, FENPROF, for its part, believes that security conditions are not being met, at a time when human resources are lacking.

The Executive has already published the first guidelines and only provides for the closure of schools when the risk of contagion is high.

The isolation area in schools can only be used by one person

The isolation area in schools for suspects in Covid-19 should only be used by one person, and other rooms should be chosen to house other cases that appear simultaneously, recommended the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

This is one of the measures provided for in the “School Reference – Control of the transmission of COVID-19 in a school context”, which was published today and is available on the DGS website, but which will continue to be “the subject of contributions to improve and consolidate “, according to information from the General Directorate.

Schools have developed contingency plans to learn how to act if suspected or confirmed Covid cases arise. These plans provide for an isolation area, but the DGS warns that this area “should not be used by more than one suspected case simultaneously”, unless they are living together.

“In the event that several suspected cases are identified at the same time, other rooms that are not being used for the isolation of the remaining suspected cases should be used, following the same procedures as those applied to the isolation area,” says the document. of the DGS.

DGS maintains that the temperature of students and staff should not be measured at the entrance of the school

In the last academic year, when the educational establishments reopened in the third period, to receive the students of the years 11 and 12, the temperature of all those who entered the schools was measured.

However, DGS states that “temperature measurement is not mandatory nor is it a recommended measure”, since anyone who attends an educational or teaching establishment must monitor their health and should not go to school “if to verify the appearance of symptoms, among which is fever ”.

In addition, DGS continues, in May 2020, the National Data Protection Commission ruled on the collection of health data in schools, noting that “this can only happen if there is an explicit expression of will on the part of the student, or the guardian, and there are no consequences for their non-acceptance. “

The use of a mask is mandatory after the second cycle.

Also appears in the document the list of those who are required to wear a mask within educational establishments, which again underlines that this equipment is mandatory for all students from the 2nd cycle, as already announced in July.

In the document released today and that the Ministry of Education will distribute to schools, the DGS underlines that schools will only be closed entirely in “high risk situations”and other measures are envisaged, such as sending home only one or more classes.

These decisions – which depend on the health authorities and never on the school administrations – are made based on several factors, from the distance between people, the arrangement and organization of the classrooms and the organization of the educational establishment itself.

DGS emphasizes the importance of “rapid action and application of measures” and recommends that all people who have been in contact with a patient in Covid-19 be identified quickly.

In the document, the DGS also recalls the negative impacts of school closings and confinement: “Although they are necessary measures to control an epidemic, they have an impact on the determinants of social, mental and environmental health, which can be reflected in consequences for the physical, psychological and social well-being of the students. These consequences will also tend to increase existing social and health inequalities “.

Classes start from September 14 to 17

Classes will begin between September 14 and 17 and will mean the return to face-to-face teaching, after an academic year in which more than a million students have experienced distance learning.

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and with the number of new infection cases on the rise, the Ministry of Education and school principals want blended and distance learning to be only a temporary and localized solution when outbreaks occur in schools. .
