Marques Mendes reveals that the Government “will not put a euro” in the State Budgets for the Resolution Fund – O Jornal Económico


Marques Mendes revealed that the State Budget for 2021 does not foresee any transfer to the Resolution Fund, although it has yet to inject a final tranche into Novo Banco. In his comment space in the SIC’s “Jornal da Noite”, the lawyer and former PSD leader guaranteed that the decision had already been made by the Government.

“The Resolution Fund is going to have to seek financing in a foreign bank or in a line of the European Union,” said Marques Mendes, considering that the decision of the António Costa Executive is “practically obvious”, because “from right to left “No party would support that, in the current circumstances, the State will allocate more funds to balance Novo Banco’s accounts.

Regarding the controversy surrounding Deloitte’s audit of the management of Banco Espírito Santo and Novo Banco between 2000 and 2018, Marques Mendes pointed out that the report has not yet been published, in what he said is an example of a “culture salazarenta of lack of transparency ”. . And he challenged the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, to impose its public disclosure, as happened with the opinion of the General Directorate of Health to the Festa do Avante.

The SIC commentator also asked “what the parties are complaining about” in the audit, noting “a great lack of courage to tell the truth to the Portuguese”, such as the BES resolution and the subsequent creation of the Novo Banco. it was the only alternative, because “bankruptcy or nationalization would cost the country more.”

He added that the conclusions known so far in the Deloitte report left “all parties uncomfortable”, as some expected great criticism of Novo Banco’s management, others wanted the blame to fall on Pedro Passos Coelho for the resolution model and Others expected that it focused on António Costa and Mário Centeno for sale to Lone Star, so the focus on Ricardo Salgado and BES did not please anyone.

Deloitte’s claims of incompatibility were underestimated by Marques Mendes, having said that it was public that the consultant had advised Novo Banco on the sale of the insurer GNB Vida, according to Jornal Economico in last Friday’s edition.
