Jerónimo de Sousa at the end of Avante!: “They wanted to shut us up, they didn’t get it” – News


“They wanted to silence us, they did not succeed. We made the party comply with health standards because its implementation is above all a way to ensure the defense of the functioning of democratic life in its fullness,” said the communist leader in the pulpit during his speech, April 25th Stage, at the end of the PCP rentrée.

“We build and carry out our Festa, this great Festa and this rally of solidarity, peace, friendship, democracy and socialism, in a framework of unusual hostility from the great economic interests and the most reactionary and conservative forces, against which to move a campaign insidious, which uses its powerful media resources and intoxicates public opinion to make it unviable, ”Jerónimo de Sousa stressed at the beginning of his speech.

Contrary to what usually happens in rallies, the flags were low, since the human tide is sitting in the audience, duly separated by individual chairs. And before the leader, the member of the political commission of the national leadership of the Portuguese Communist Youth Afonso Sabença and the member of the political commission of the Central Committee of the PCP and director of the newspaper “Avante!” Manuel Rodrigues.

“The dimension of the problems requires another answer. The PCP lives up to its responsibilities, its role and its commitments to the interests of the workers and the people. It is not worth it for some to come waving with threats of political crisis. it is necessary to take advantage of all the instruments so that workers and people do not see their lives immersed in a daily crisis ”, Jerónimo de Sousa emphasized.

“It is not worth saying that the PCP does not count”

According to the communist secretary general, “it is not worth rushing, others, to state that the PCP does not count, that it would be out of the solutions that the country needs”, because “if there is proof that the PCP has already done it, that is what counts. it counts a lot and decisively, like no other, to ensure advances in the interests of popular classes and strata ”.

“The policies that are being advanced or in progress do not respond to the problems of the present, nor to the problems of the future of the country. We saw this in the so-called Economic and Social Stabilization Program and in the Government’s Supplementary Budget proposal that supported it, where it was revealed, above all, by a clear option to favor the interests of capital to which millions and millions of euros are channeled. ”He continued.

The communist leader assured that “there is no solution to national problems or response to the interests of workers and the people with the options of the PS Government”, as is the case of the “reactionary projects” of the PSD, CDS, Liberal Initiative and Chega.

Faced with the difficulties the country is going through, Jerónimo de Sousa promised that the party “will never lack, as it never lacked, a solution that responds to the problems, it will not waste any opportunity to guarantee rights and better living conditions.”

According to the representative, it is in the concrete and not in mere words of intention where the assessment of what to do should be based, “he promised.

Jerónimo criticized the use of the “discourse of fear that there are no alternatives” in times of pandemic to eliminate jobs and eliminate workers’ rights. This is because it only aggravated the problems that already existed.

The general secretary of the PCP also said that the party has prepared “many initiatives.” Among them, he warned that “we will resume the fight to raise the national minimum wage to 850 euros”, as well as the fight for the “elimination of salary cuts associated with dismissal” and against the “prohibition of dismissals of all those who see your job “.

* With agencies
