DGS rules are defined for the beginning of the school year


Schools have autonomy to manage schedules. They can even undo the timing of intervals that must be short to avoid gathering people.

Temperature measurement is neither mandatory nor recommended. Any student with a temperature equal to or greater than 38 degrees should contact Linha Saúde 24.

In this document, the Directorate General of Health also defines that, in the case of a confirmed case of Covid-19, contact screening must begin immediately.

Schools must have contingency plans to learn how to act if suspected or confirmed cases arise. These plans must foresee an isolation area, which can only be used by one case at a time. If there are multiple suspected cases, schools should use other isolation rooms.

The president of the association of public schools admits that it will not be easy to maintain the distance of one meter inside the classrooms, but the directors believe that the schools can be safe zones and examples for the country.
