U.S. A marriage generated 147 infections and three deaths, within a radius of 160 km


ORm wedding held in August, in the US state of Maine, resulted in at least 147 confirmed cases of coronavirussaid this Saturday the head of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Robert Long indicated to CNN that among the cases of infection, three deaths were recorded.

The wedding took place in Millinocket, on 7 August, and since then the outbreak has reached a home and a jail, both more than 100 miles from the place where Water.

The investigation of the outbreak pointed, last Wednesday, to 56 cases of infection, between guests at the ceremony and secondary contacts (people who were in contact with a guest infected) and tertiary (people close to secondary contacts). However, the number has expanded exponentially.

It is recalled that the state of Maine has, at this time, more than 4,600 confirmed cases of infection and 134 deaths related to the new coronavirus.

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