Man arrested without letter and seized 90 kilos of carob in Loulé


90 kilos of carob beans were seized this Thursday, September 3 in Loulé. GNR also detained a man who, without a license, was driving a car … which had not been inspected.

The arrest took place after a stop operation.

The Guarda military began by detecting “a light vehicle with several bags of carob trees inside”, and the driver “could not justify the origin of the carob tree he was transporting.”

Additionally, the man driving the car was unlicensed, having been arrested and the car impounded.

“Three administrative offenses were also prepared for overcrowding, lack of compulsory civil liability insurance and lack of periodic inspection,” says the GNR.

Still during the inspection, another man approached the place who was walking and carrying two bags of carob trees.

Questioned by the military, he admitted to having captured the carob tree “on land near that place, without authorization from the owner.”

The suspects were identified and the accused were fabricated. The carob tree, with a total weight of 90 kilos and valued at 70 euros, was apprehended and the facts were forwarded to the Loulé Court of Justice.

As part of the “Safe Field 2020” operation, since June 1, GNR has been carrying out awareness-raising and inspection actions, in order to prevent crimes of theft on agricultural properties.

At this time of year, the focus of agricultural thefts in the Algarve region is “directed at carob beans for the commercial value they represent and also for the ease of collection and sale”.

Precisely for this reason, the GNR intensified police surveillance “in order to deter and repress the practice of this type of robbery”, having already captured about a dozen people throughout the region.

The situation of thefts in agricultural properties is so serious in the Algarve that it has already motivated a meeting between the Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Algarve, representatives of the security forces, AMAL – Comunidade Intermunicipal do Algarve, associations that represent the agricultural producers, but also tax and customs authority.

Several measures have been decided, some of them innovative, such as the South Information did it here.
