RAP causes floods in the “only place” where it is not “the commune” – Observer


Humor in politics was discussed at the end of the afternoon at Espaço Livre, and its limits that do not exist, defended the humorist Ricardo Araújo Pereira (RAP). The special guest of the afternoon caused the biggest flooding so far at the Festa do Avante – more than 300 people listened to him in an outdoor space and did not always follow the necessary distance rules, which caused some nervousness in the organization – and spoke at ease: “Perhaps this is the only place where I am not the commune.”

After the debate, to the Observer, the comedian said that from what he had been “given to see” the rules of distancing “were being met.” The RAP publicly defended the realization of the communist event and affirms that “life cannot be suspended waiting for a vaccine that we do not even know will appear.” He had not come to the party in 20 years, he had come now because he was invited by the publisher “Avante”.


The debate was slow to start, given the influx and the organization’s attempts to ensure that the necessary distance rules were adhered to. They asked whoever was there to distance himself from whoever was next to us, but it was an impossible task considering the encounter that the comedian had already created and that he did not move and went far beyond the 350 square meters of defined area for that debate, jamming. even the road that came from one of the entrances to the Party. Ricardo Araújo Pereira waited at the table installed on stage, smiling.

When he began his speech, the humorist and ex-PCP activist said that “communist” was already written on the wall of his house. “They are probably people who think I am too abandoned to what they think,” he joked, adding that there, at the Festa do Avante where he was speaking, it was “perhaps the only place where the communist is not.” Taking into account that he is no longer part of the party. But in the audience he is like a “comrade” who is still being treated, so much so that even before he started speaking he heard an ovation shouting “PCP”. “Calm down, maybe that enthusiasm will be removed when you hear the answers to the question,” he fired at the audience.


His speech was very focused on the reign of Donald Trump in the United States and how he was elected president even in the face of criticism from the overwhelming majority of comedians. Ricardo Araújo Pereira thus assumed the limitations of his space for public action, in fact he clearly stated that this is not his objective as a comedian. “I have no intention of doing any harm,” he said, defending that his role is different: “What is needed is to encourage the crowd and I also think that is what is needed.”

Regarding the limits of the content of humor, RAP was clear: they do not exist. And he withdrew until 2015 and the massacre in the newsroom of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo to prove it, criticizing the “adversative” that Pope Francis then used when he reacted to the event. He condemned him, the comedian recalled, “but immediately there was an opponent: but you cannot be offended.” Now, for Ricardo Araújo Pereira, that limit does not exist and he explained that the message that was spread at that time, “Je suis Charlie”, meant precisely that “one does not respond to a drawing with shots to the neck”.

He also criticized André Ventura for having encouraged, through social networks, to boycott a comedian, Vasco Correia, for a phrase about Chega that he had written on Twitter.
