He is going to bury second in Cerveira one of the workers who was crushed to death


Filipe Fraga, 38, and Jamal Udin, 39, were the two fatalities of the workplace accident, on Friday morning, at the Fundilusa company, a metal casting company for ship propellers, in the industrial zone of Fields. , in Vila Nova de Cerveira.

The accident occurred at 05:40, when the mold of a propeller mold, weighing about eight tons, gave way and reached the workers, who were buried in sand.

“We tried to get them out, but we couldn’t,” he told the Mail in the morning The deputy commander of the Cerveira Volunteer Firefighters, Jaime Santos, added that a third worker was injured and was hospitalized.

“We use the company’s cranes to remove the trays and manually rescue the bodies,” he added.

Filipe Fraga, born in the parish of Lovelhe, has lived in Campos for several years, with his partner. Leaves a child from a previous relationship.

The 38-year-old victim will be buried Monday in the Campos Cemetery.

Jamal Udin, a native of Bangladesh, also lived in Campos with his wife and three children, all minors.

The 39-year-old worker was the only source of income for the family and the Junta da União de Freguesias de Campos and Vila Meã has already been available to support “as much as possible”.

“On Monday, they will activate insurance and social security to support the family. As these administrative procedures take a lot of time, the Parish Council – and possibly the City Council, with whom I will be in contact – is ready to support them immediately ”, says the treasurer of MINAS, Elvis Graça, who soon after the accident, put in contact with the family to show solidarity and assess the needs of the family.

“Community [do Bangladesh naquela zona] joins to help this family “, underlines Elvis Graça, referring that, according to the interlocutors of that community, the organization” would no longer go to Bangladesh, but to a mosque in Lisbon and the company would guarantee the cost. “

The Working Conditions Authority will investigate the circumstances and responsibilities of the accident.
