14 young people are isolated in a pavilion of Obra ABC, in Gondomar – Observer


In total, 17 young people work in isolation at Obra ABC, in Gondomar, three boys are in three rooms and the remaining 14 are in a pavilion: The beds are spaced three meters apart, like a field hospital, and each young person has an individual desk with a computer with Internet, as priest Feliciano Garcês assured the public.

The isolation occurs after the vacation period with relatives or figures of reference. At the beginning of the week, 22 young people were isolated in that institution, explains the same newspaper.

The rule that provides isolation for 14 days to children in danger is being revised

Obra ABC welcomes children over 12 years old and currently has 14 young people in isolation in a multipurpose pavilion 22 meters long and 16 meters wide. “What institution is prepared to isolate 30 kids?” Asks the priest to the aforementioned newspaper.

The decision to isolate these young people in the same ward is based on the guidance of the Directorate General of Health, which foresees that children and young people in danger away from their families must enter the shelters alone and remain in isolation for 14 days.

Children separated from their families must be isolated for 14 days. The Ombudsman has already received a complaint

On August 26 it was learned that this guide was “in the process of being updated, and is being revised in general” by the Social Security Institute (ISS). Also at the end of August, the AjudAjudar Association filed a complaint with the Ombudsman.
