SIC News | Party ahead! with losses of almost 2 million euros in the last 6 years


If the Avante party! He always assumes a strategic role in the affirmation of the PCP, in 2009 he assumed even more. Two weeks after the legislature and a month from the local government, the biggest communist initiative was a major financial injection for the election day of the following weeks.

According to data from the Entity of Political Accounts and Financing, to which the SIC had access, the Festa do Avante! recorded income of 3,038,523 million and expenses of 2,531,426 million euros. The PCP obtained a profit of 507,106 thousand euros in the 2009 edition. Ten years later, the scenario is totally different.

In 2019, Avante! they are in red. The data that the SIC had access to reveal that the initiative generated 2,614,555 million euros, but recorded expenses of 3,178,933 million. Final result: 564 thousand euros of loss. The bills haven’t been out of the red for six years.

The series of poor results began in 2013 (65,231 thousand euros), doubled in 2014 (158,400 thousand euros) and lost strength in 2015 (19,460 thousand euros). The results worsen significantly from the moment the PCP enters the photograph of the so-called contraption. In 2016, in the first edition after an agreement with the PS, the losses soared and reached 492 thousand euros. They decrease in the following year (288,779 thousand euros) and rise again in 2018 (362,309 thousand euros).

After the last six years, Avante! posted losses of almost 2 million euros (1,950,674 million euros), but only the PCP really knows how much they have gained and lost from the event. The SIC has analyzed the reports of the last 10 years and in all of them “irregularities” are identified.

The sale of Permanent Tickets (EP’s) is one of the great headaches of the Entity of Political Accounts and Financing. The entity “cannot measure the total number of tickets sold” because, it explains, the “lefties” are not attached. This means that the Entity cannot verify the information to confirm that the income declared as ticket sales actually corresponds to the sale of tickets. In 2012, for example, the Entity says that the PCP declared 9,660 thousand euros with the sale of 460 tickets to “Manuel Clemente on the 5th floor”. Without further explanation. In response to the entity, the PCP says year after year that “the sale of EP at Festa do Avante is accounted for the total value of its sale, and a receipt for each sale of EP cannot be individualized or autonomous. This is impossible “.

In recent years, the Political Body of Accounts and Financing has warned on several occasions that “the lack of transparency in the accounts makes it difficult to determine the violations committed by the party.” The communists refute these accusations and go so far as to say that “there is no adequate legal treatment that is capable of regulating a great mass political initiative”, such as the Festa do Avante!
