Judicial Police investigates the illegal exchange of newspapers on social networks | Crime


The Judicial Police (PJ) opened an investigation for piracy of newspapers on the Internet. According to the Newspaper, the investigation began after a complaint from the Journalists Union (SJ), which wants to stop the illegal exchange of newspapers by subscribers.

During confinement, the illegal sharing of printed content on social media grew exponentially. Various people, subscribed to the media, pay for editions of newspapers and magazines and spread it on social networks, sometimes benefiting from this exchange.

The practice has a negative impact on newspapers and magazines, which see paid content to be distributed for free.

According to the Newspaper, the SJ filed a complaint for the crime of copyright infringement with the Office of the Prosecutor for Cyber ​​Crimes of the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic and the National Unit for Combating Cybercrime and Technological Crime (UNC3T) of the PJ.

In April, 20 newspaper and magazine editors, including the PUBLIC, signed a letter in an “unprecedented initiative,” calling on the Portuguese not to jeopardize the economic sustainability of journalism in times of pandemic.

“In the current extraordinary situation in which we live, the importance of access to credible information has been further emphasized. We feel this demand every day from you and we are on this side continually working to bring you the best content. (…) In order to maintain quality, we need your collaboration in the fight against piracy, ”the managers said at the time.
