BdP waits for the court to see if it can reveal a secret report – O Jornal Económico


Banco de Portugal went public to respond to the Left Bloc on the request presented by the party to access the report on the performance of the regulator in the resolution of Banco Espírito Santo (BES).

“The Bank of Portugal is obliged to comply with the legal framework that governs its activity, that is, respect for the legal duty of professional secrecy. In this regard, article 80 of the General Regime of Credit Institutions and Financial Companies is essentially governed, which admits in the respective sections 2, 4 and 5 situations of derogation of this duty of secrecy, which do not appear to be within the framework of the Request of the Parliamentary Group of the Left Bloc, “said the Bank of Portugal in a statement today.

“The violation of the aforementioned duty of secrecy implies criminal responsibility in the terms of article 195 of the Penal Code”, highlights the regulator.

The supervisor led by Mário Centeno points out that the Report of the Commission for the Evaluation of Decisions and the performance of Banco de Portugal in the Supervision of Banco Espírito Santo “is not an internal audit, nor is it intended to analyze the resolution process of BES “.

The Bank of Portugal says that it is now awaiting a “judicial decision that evaluates and decides on the possible breach of the legal duty of secrecy. In the event that this breach of the legal duty of secrecy is resolved, the Banco de Portugal will immediately cooperate with the court, being, in the exact terms of said judicial decision, authorized to make this document available to the Court immediately ”.

The Left Bloc requested access to this self-assessment report at the end of July. But Mário Centeno rejected the request, as Carlos Costa had already rejected.

As the Economic Journal advanced on Wednesday, yesterday the supervisor’s response to Catarina Martins’s party was entered in Parliament.

In the letter, the Bank of Portugal explains that it is “prevented” from disclosing the report because “none of the legally foreseen circumstances that determine the suppression of the aforementioned legal duty of secrecy concur”.

The blocking deputy Mariana Mortágua said yesterday that “the Bank of Portugal cannot live in an ivory tower.”

The Bloco de Esquerda defended on Tuesday the creation of an investigation commission in the Novo Banco to “investigate responsibilities”, noting that the institution has already cost Portuguese taxpayers eight billion euros.

“We do not accept that this hole in the Novo Banco should be paid with the money of all and all Portuguese taxpayers. We will seek transparency and we will seek to find the decisions that should have been avoided and also those responsible, be they public institutions such as the BoP or the current private management of Novo Banco. We owe it to all the workers who are paying for this huge hole with their taxes, ”according to the Bloc deputy.

Mariana Mortágua considers that the Deloitte audit, concluded this week and already sent to the Government and Parliament and also to the Public Ministry, “does not allow investigating the current management of Novo Banco, specifically with regard to the sale of credit portfolios that , as we all know, it was already public, they were made with great discounts ”.

In short, the blockers consider that “Parliament does not have two of the essential elements to be able to make an assessment of the current losses in Novo Banco.”

Centeno invokes bank secrecy to refuse to give secret report on BdP’s performance
