Madeira is at midnight in the new phase of the catastrophic situation. And so it will be until September 30 – Executive Digest


The calamity situation in Madeira will last another month, announced the Regional Government, indicating that the measure takes effect from 00:00 hours on September 1 until 23:59 hours on the 30th.

“A new resolution was approved that declares, after the epidemiological situation of covid-19, the situation of calamity throughout the territory of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, with the aim of promoting the containment of the covid-19 pandemic, and preventing the contagion and spread of the disease, “said the executive in a statement.

According to data published this Wednesday by the Institute of Health Administration (IASaúde), the archipelago registers 148 cases of contagion, with 118 recovered and 30 active, three of which on the island of Porto Santo.

The Regional Government, of the PSD / CDS-PP coalition, therefore decided to authorize the expansion of the catastrophic situation in Madeira, which ended on August 31.

“The measure takes effect from 00:00 hours on September 1, 2020 until 23:59 hours on September 30, 2020, whose material, temporal and territorial scope is contained in the resolution now approved,” it is mentioned.

The executive headed by the Social Democrat Miguel Albuquerque emphasizes that, in general terms, the rules of the resolution in force for this month of August are maintained, which also defined the rules of the situation of calamity, that is, the presentation or realization of tests in the ports and airports of the archipelago and the mandatory use of a mask in all public spaces, open or closed.

Today it was also announced that most of continental Portugal will remain on alert and the Lisbon Metropolitan Area will be in contingency for the next fortnight due to the covid-19 pandemic, and the entire continent will enter contingency on September 15.

The decision was communicated by the Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva.

In the Azores, the situation of public calamity on the islands of Santa María, São Miguel, Terceira, Pico and Faial (which have air connections outside the archipelago) lasted until 24:00 on September 1, as well as the alert situation in the Graciosa, São Jorge, Flores and Corvo Islands.

Calamity is the highest of the three levels of intervention provided for in the Basic Law of Civil Protection, above contingency and warning.

The situation of calamity can be declared when, given the occurrence to which it is associated and its foreseeable intensity, the need to adopt exceptional measures to prevent, react or restore normal living conditions in the areas affected by its effects.

In the state of calamity, unlike the state of emergency (which is an initiative of the President of the Republic, approved by parliamentary resolution), the right to strike and demonstrate is not prohibited.

In a state of emergency, the Armed Forces are on standby and in a situation of calamity, the civil protection forces are responsible for operations.
