The Beja Hospital emergency surgery service in danger of closure


In a statement, the Independent Union of Physicians (SIM) Alentejo warns that at the José Joaquim Fernandes Hospital, in Beja, “surgical teams are operating below the minimum security for citizens and Doctors.”

According to SIM / Alentejo, the “exhausted doctors have been working more than 150 overtime hours for a long time, which is aggravated by the pandemic and the age of the doctors. Of the 6 team leaders, 4 are over 50 and 2 are over 55. Doctors of that age are no longer required to do emergencies and only their dedication motivates them ”.

SIM / Alentejo also affirms that despite the doctors’ warnings “the Board of Directors has remained insensitive and incapable of solving the problem”.

In this way, SIM advised its members to present acts of exemption from liability.

“SIM requires that the Board of Directors hire doctors, otherwise there will be an urgency to close and refer patients to the also overloaded hospitals in the region. She will continue to be today sending a letter, today in this regard, to the Board of Directors.

Decades of incompetence and contempt for physicians, aggravated by ARS Presidents and Boards of Directors more concerned with hiding problems than solving them, ”the statement said.
