Fenprof has been defending masks since the age of six and tracks the school community – O Jornal Economico


The National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof) guarantees that the “necessary conditions” are not created for the return to classes to take place safely between September 14 and 17. He accuses the Ministry of Education of “easy”, removes strike scenarios and guarantees that he will fight in all circles to guarantee the “return and maintenance” of face-to-face classes. The National Secretariat and the National Fenprof Council will meet and a school-by-school survey will be conducted.

“We are going to address the Assembly of the Republic and international organizations to put pressure on the Government of Portugal and the National Education Council itself,” said Mário Nogueira, Fenprof’s secretary general, this morning.

At the Solum Sul Basic School of the 1st Cycle, in Coimbra, where it marked the beginning of the 2020/2021 school year and the return to schools of nearly 100,000 kindergarten teachers and teachers of basic and secondary education, the Secretary General of the greatest The country’s educational structure affects the CGTP, he clarified: “For now, our option is to do everything, everything in our power to create the conditions and for that is to have proposals, to insist is not to stop demanding them. For now, what we have already decided is that if there are situations that endanger people’s lives because no measures have been taken, then we will act accordingly on behalf of the teachers themselves … hopefully it doesn’t happen! ”.

However, the risks are enormous. Mário Nogueira recalled the extensive list of negative aspects identified by Fenprof and that were not addressed by the Government. The first refers to the lack of detection of Covid-19. “It was essential to detect possible situations immediately,” he said. He admitted that schools are not the most contagious places, but stressed that they will reflect what is in the community. He recalled that Portuguese schools have very old teachers.

He also highlighted the importance of protecting students, especially those between the ages of six and 10 for whom wearing a mask at school is not considered mandatory. “This must be rethought,” he said, noting that in Spain, for example, it will happen.

Mário Nogueira denounced the lack of auxiliary personnel to guarantee the cleanliness and hygiene of the schools. The shortage of staff in schools predates the pandemic, but this has exacerbated the problem as it requires more resources to ensure safety.

Regarding teachers, he recalled that the Ministry of Education announced that it would strengthen schools with 2,500 teachers. An insufficient number – “only 1511 are to replace those who have retired” – but still, where are they … !? “It has not yet been done if there can be a reinforcement of 2500. They have not yet been placed,” he denounced.

The general secretary of Fenprof also pointed out differences between the recommendations of the General Directorate of Health and the document that the Ministry of Education sent to the schools even in July when on the 10th and 11th they returned to face-to-face classes, in relation to the constitution. of the classes.

The school year that now begins “will be extremely demanding and complex, not only in the organization, but also in the functioning of the schools,” said Mário Nogueira, adding: “What is on the table is the government’s responsibility to do so.” More. If the Ministry of Education does not create the necessary conditions to guarantee health security, “the Minister of Education has to assume that it cannot continue to lead education in Portugal… and if it cannot create them, it only has one The way to to continue is to resign ”, concluded Mário Nogueira.

This August 31, it was the turn of the National Confederation of Parents’ Associations (CONFAP), the National Federation of Education (FNE) and the National Association of Public Schools and Group Directors (ANDAEP), in a joint press conference, demanding answers fast. to the General Directorate of Health and the Ministry of Education about the many doubts that still persist about the regulations to be complied with at the beginning of the school year.

A significant portion of colleges and international schools begin this September 1 to receive students, and the Association of Private and Cooperative Education Establishments told Jornal Economico that “all schools are doing everything possible so that safety is guaranteed to the maximum ”. .
