Azores registers three new positive cases in the last 24 hours


According to the Regional Health Authority, the three positive cases are of men between 24 and 69 years

One of the cases belongs to the home and is, therefore, close contact with a high risk of a previously detected positive case, with the entire home in prophylactic isolation from the initial case.

Another case comes from an air connection with the continent, having obtained a positive result in the detection test carried out upon arrival in the Region.

The third case corresponds to an individual who obtained a negative result in the screening test carried out upon arrival in the Region and positive in the screening carried out on the sixth day after their return to the continental territory.

Contacts have already been made with the National Health Authority to monitor this case.

The positive cases present a stable clinical situation and the procedures defined for confirmed cases, tests and surveillance of close contacts have been initiated by the Municipal Delegation of Health.

Thus, to date, 224 cases of infection by the new coronavirus have been detected in the Region, with 31 active positive cases, of which 28 on the island of São Miguel, two on the island of Terceira and one on the island of Peak.
