StayAway Covid. Associação D3 leaves alerts about the application


Fhello today officially introduced to stay away COVID-19, an application designed to help reduce the number of new infections of COVID-19-19. The application has been available for Android since the end of last week and the installation is voluntary, and the Government guarantees the privacy of users and respective Dice. Despite this, the D3 – Defense of Digital Rights Association is not satisfied with the way the Government has promoted the application.

In a statement sent to Notícias ao Minuto, the vice president of D3, Ricardo The fountain, points to doubts about the effectiveness of stay away COVID-19 and even expresses concern about the future role of the tech giants in the country’s public health.

“We found that the speech became much less euphoric from the multiple delays and postponements [da app], and that the reports from abroad do not pay for the effectiveness of this type of application. At the same time, the gaps and blot in terms of its operation and the risks it entails. Finally, the Government’s enthusiastic support for stay away sets an important precedent by giving large technologies a central role in defining public health protocols “He says The fountain.

Associação D3 takes advantage of the statement to point out that the signs resulting from experiences with this type of Applications in other European countries “They are revealing of a potential failure”. In France, 2.3 million people will have installed such an application, which issued only 72 contact notifications. Also in Germany, a high rate of adoption, having installed only 25% of the population respective application of tracking. “The absence of reports of success or even effectiveness from outside should advise greater consideration when repeating the experience here,” reiterates the association.

D3 takes on even more concerns related to stay away COVID-19, that is, in relation to the source code used in the development of the application. While a part (that of Apple and Google) remains hidden, the association believes that it continues to share the code developed by Inesc Tec.

Regarding the dependence on the technological giants already mentioned, Associação D3 takes the words of the president of the Inesc Tec, Rui Oliveira, delivered to Lusa when he mentioned that this has become a “Fragility that will not be overcome”. “When we use these functions of Apple and Google we lose control over them, moreover, even though the application and the entire system are open source, this part is not and therefore we lose that control”, said.

Warnings about stay away COVID-19 of D3 were repeated in respective Twitter page, where the association is classified as “Painful” communication about the application. “It is no longer a question of knowing that the application is completely irrelevant and will not help efforts against COVID-19, the question now is whether the application runs the risk of having a negative effect “, you can read in the ‘tweet’ below.

Therefore, the association recommends that the Portuguese “Please continue to follow all the standards of sanitation It is very farncia physical” and accuses the communicators who recommend the application of not realizing “Topic in question”.

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