Public Health doctors warn about risks of “overdiffusion” of Covid-19 – Jornal Económico


The president of the National Association of Public Health Doctors (ANMSP) shares the opinion of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) that admits in its technical opinion on the Festa do Avante that there is a “real risk” of contagion during the event. which runs from September 4 to 6 in the municipality of Seixal, district of Setúbal.

Ricardo Mexia warns of the effects of over-diffusion resulting from this type of event and realizes that a maximum capacity of 16,563 people simultaneously in Quinta da Atalaia, far exceeds the European guidelines for massive events that they had, until now, in what highest on the list. France with a maximum of five thousand people.

“There is a greater risk in this type of massive events such as the Festa do Avante compared to the European guidelines that exist for this type of event that can condition the effects of over-diffusion and that until now with this type of dimension only France has planned with a larger dimension of the order of five thousand people ”, the president of the ANMSP warned Jornal Economico.

Ricardo Mexia also defends that the DGS should establish guidelines for massive events at the national and local level according to their size, which does not exist, emphasizing that “we are the country that until now will have an event of this size” such as more than 16,500 people who are expected to be in the Festa do Avante more than triple the capacity of the 5,000 people in the same space provided for in the guidelines of health organizations in countries like France for mass events.

“There must be a standard or guideline that determines the conditions on the form of organization of massive events according to their size, as well as the guidelines that exist for the different areas of activity”, argues Ricardo Mexia.

This official warns: “We have already had several real examples in Portugal, such as the Lagos party, among others, that turned out well.” It is recalled that, at the end of June, the Algarve Regional Health Administration (ARS) revealed 111 positive cases of Covid-19 associated with the outbreak caused by a party with about 200 people in Odiáxere, in the municipality of Lagos, among which 19 children nine years of age or younger.

The president of the ANMSP considers that the Festa do Avante that takes place next weekend will be “an objective, a kind of jurisprudence for other entities that wanted to promote events of this type.

DGS halves the maximum capacity planned at the Festa do Avante

After having said that it would not publicly disclose the report, the DGS led by Graça Freitas decided yesterday to publicize the health regulations of the Festa do Avante that will still be subject to a prior inspection by the health authorities.

The General Directorate of Health considers that there is a “real risk that, during the event, infected people, with or without symptoms, will circulate through the area that will receive the communist income. The PCP wanted to have 33,000 people at the same time, the health authorities cut the maximum authorized capacity in half: 16,563 people.

In the opinion, which was released on Monday, August 31, the health authority leaves the alert: “the social component underlying the event, causes a great mobility of the participants and proximity behaviors, and sharing is usually inevitable, too such as the participation of members of several generations, which implies the potential exposure of people belonging to the most vulnerable groups to the SARS-CoV-2 virus ”.

The party is also limited to a maximum capacity of 16,563 people at the same time, well below the 100,000 people who usually pass through the venue daily. Alcoholic beverages are allowed until 8 pm, with the exception of only during meals.

The DGS also stipulated a physical distance of at least two meters between people, in all spaces of the enclosure, except if they live together.

The report also recommends that everyone over the age of 10 should wear a mask at all facilities.

The event organized by the PCP will also have an isolation area for suspected cases of Covid-19, according to the technical opinion of the DGS released by this entity.

“If a suspicious case is detected (…) it must be accompanied by a single worker / collaborator for the isolation area, ensuring that both have their mask properly placed and complying with the circuits defined in the Contingency Plan”, you can read in the document.

“The isolation room (s) must have a kit with water and some non-perishable food, SABA, paper towels, surgical masks and access to a sanitary facility for exclusive use”, states the DGS.

In these situations “the Territorially Competent Health Authority should be contacted immediately, complying with the instructions received” and “the procedures defined in the Contingency Plan should be followed and the isolation area should be cleaned and disinfected.”
